99.26% Clinics Say Ultrasounds Have a Positive Impact on Pregnant Women

For You From The Word

Blessed are your eyes, for they see. (Matthew 13:16, ESV)

For You To Think About

pregnant woman receiving ultrsoundA prenatal ultrasound (“obstetric sonography”) is a diagnostic imaging technique. Reflected sound waves produce a picture of the fetus on a computer screen, allowing the mother-to-be-so see her child in utero.

Does ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy have a positive impact upon a mother considering abortion to choose life?

That was the question posed in a National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) survey of its medical members – prolife pregnancy clinics that offer basic medical services in addition to pregnancy tests, education, and counseling.

  • 99.26% respondents said that ultrasounds have a powerful impact on abortion-minded women, empowering them to choose life.
  • Just 0.74% (less than 1%) said ultrasounds have only a small impact in encouraging women to choose life.
  • Zero respondents reported that ultrasounds had no impact.

The results confirm anecdotal evidence to support the impact of ultrasounds for pregnant women, encouraging a vast majority of those who were considering abortion to choose life.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Thank You for using ultrasound technology to show pregnant woman the life she carries. Raise up people and resources to provide ultrasounds at more pregnancy care centers.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Ultrasounds in Choosing Life

Why Ultrasounds are a Game-Changer

How an Ultrasound Referral Saved a Life

Mobile Ultrasounds Go to Pregnant Women Across U.S.

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