Abortion Survivor: “I Was Aborted and Didn’t Die”

For You From The Word

I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2)

For You To Think About

God’s power gives life, no matter what laws men may pass.

Gianna Jessen

Gianna Jessen

One day in April 1977, a 17-year-old teenager entered an abortion clinic in southern California, signed some papers, and received a saline drip injection to terminate her 7-month-old fetus by burning it in utero.

Eighteen hours later the baby was born – alive.

With resulting cerebral palsy and other birth-related challenges, doctors didn’t expect Gianna Jessen to live long.  But she was placed for adoption with loving parents.  Gianna learned to sit up and walk … and more.

Today, the Christian vocalist travels the world, runs marathons, enjoys rock climbing and speaks as an advocate for the unborn.

“The Lord Jesus spared my life,” says Gianna. “I would not be walking today if it were not for the grace of God and the power of Christ.”

For You To Pray

Sovereign God,
You are Almighty.  Change hearts in our nation and allow us to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways To Encourage Abortion-Minded Women To Choose Life

Abortion Survivor: More Than a Story of Survival

Aborted Children Can’t Be Adopted

Reasons Women Give For Ending a Pregnancy


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