At Father’s Day, One Birth Dad’s Story

For You From The Word

As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.
(Psalm 103:13)

For You To Think About

A true story

sad guyWhen Phil’s girlfriend became pregnant, they realized they weren’t ready to be parents. They couldn’t raise a child in the environment they’d dreamed.

Phil decided his most important role was to support his girlfriend in whatever decision she made. Fortunately, she sought his input. Together, they looked at the unplanned pregnancy from every angle. In the end, they decided to make an adoption plan.

“We got little support from one side of the family,” says Phil. It was hard. Nevertheless, Phil and his girlfriend chose an adoptive couple and involved them in pregnancy preparation – mostly to assure themselves that their child would be raised in a loving home by caring parents.

“The most poignant part of the whole nine month journey,” says Phil, “was when I had the honor of going to the waiting room and delivering the news to the adoptive parents that their little boy now had his very own sister.”

Today, Phil and his girlfriend are at peace with their decision. They attend a local birth parents’ support group. Sometimes, Phil says, “We talk about how a family somewhere is happier now because of us, and the new addition we helped to add to their home.”

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Help birth dads support their partners during an unplanned pregnancy. Raise up volunteer men to serve as guy Friends to birth dads like Phil.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Fathers and Birth Dads

Father’s Day: A Grateful Nation Honors Dads

Honor Your Heavenly Father on Father’s Day

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