Students Stand With Their Peers Who Have Been Silenced

For You From The Word

I am not silenced by the darkness. (Job 23:17)

For You To Think About

Students stand for life on pro-life day of solidarityOn the Pro-Life Day of Solidarity, students in schools all over the world take a vow of silence, standing in solidarity with those who will never have a voice – the unborn lost to abortion.

A red arm band, mouth band, or pro-life t-shirt identifies participants. They carry fliers to explain why they are silent and to educate others about the plight of the approximately 4,000 innocent children lost each day to abortion.

The Pro-Life Day of Solidarity accomplishes several things.

  1. It raises awareness among students in schools and colleges about abortion.
  2. It opens the door for people to learn about abortion when participants distribute literature.
  3. It provides opportunities for women and girls considering an abortion to think twice. Since the inception of the Pro-Life Day of Solidarity, dozens of babies’ lives have been saved because participants offered pregnant girls a different option.
  4. It allows participants to take a stand for their pro-life beliefs in a visible way.

Perhaps most of all, it allows participants and observers alike to experience the fate of a child who no longer has a voice … a child who could have been a part of their generation.

For You To Pray

Merciful God,
Open hearts and minds during the Pro-Life Day of Solidarity. Allow people to understand that abortion silences a life. Help pregnant women who are unsure of their next step to choose life as a result of today.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Students Standing for Life

Students Unite for Their Generation’s Lost Victims on Third Tuesday in October

Students Weep With Those That Weep – And Save Lives

Millennials: Today’s Most Pro-Life Generation

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