What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 2: To Know Their Legal Rights

For You From The Word

God shows no partiality. (Romans 2:11, ESV)

For You To Think About

graduating mom and babyIf you are a pregnant or parenting student in the U.S., you have a right to stay in school so you can meet your educational and career goals.

Pregnancy, a distinctly female condition, cannot be the basis for unfairness in public and private schools, colleges, and universities receiving federal funds.

That means pregnant students must be allowed excused absences as directed by a doctor, make up work, tutoring, internships and scholarships.

Those rights come to you courtesy of Title IX, part of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in educational programs and activities.

Pregnant and parenting students can take these steps to ensure they are being treated fairly according to Title IX parameters:

  • Read and understand your rights as allowed by Title IX.
  • Meet with your school’s Title IX coordinator to ask for help in continuing your education.
  • Communicate well with your teachers.
  • Keep notes of your pregnancy-related appointments.
  • Record any inappropriate comments or actions referencing pregnancy that are taken against you.

God shows no partiality. Schools should not either.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You that You show no partiality – that You love and accept each of us regardless of our gender, race, finances, or social status. Allow me to support and defend the rights pregnant women in the educational system so they can complete their education.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More About College Students and Pregnancy

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 3: Vision

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 1: University Support

Why One College Student Was Able to Choose Life


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