58% Young People Don’t Know Where to Get Pregnancy Support

For You From The Word

How can they hear without someone telling them?
(Romans 10:14)

For You To Think About

Students for Life of America recently released the results of a nationwide study, which surveyed 805 Americans aged 18-24 years old and disclosed this generation’s views on pro-life issues. But the data also revealed how students view pregnancy support.

They say women need support
college student looking pensive

When asked what resources would compel women to carry their unplanned pregnancies to term, more than half those surveyed responded with one of the following: support from families, support from the child’s father, ability to continue to work or go to school, help with child care, information about adoption, and scholarships to help with financial demands. This data demonstrates that our younger generation wants to provide pregnancy support.

They don’t know where to find this support

But 58% of young people admitted that they didn’t know where to find these resources in their community or on campus, particularly for those women who do not want to choose an abortion.

That tells us we must do a better job of reaching out to the most vulnerable demographic, college-aged women, and telling them what resources and support structures are available to them.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank You for moving in the young generation – for giving them compassion for those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Show us how to reach out to youth and college-aged pregnancy students and make them aware of resources they can use.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

More about Pregnancy on Campus

Why This Student Was Able to Choose Life

Does Your Campus Have a Safe Space for Pregnant Students?

How to Save Lives on College Campuses

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