Advice From Teen Moms to Pregnant Teens: “Decide to Be a Good Mom”

For You From The Word

Choose this day whom you will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15, ESV)

For You To Think About

mom with 3 kidsShernette had two children before she finished high school. She dropped out of high school for two years, and then went back and took day and night classes to graduate. Halfway through her second year Shernette became pregnant with a third daughter. Her relationship with the girls’ father disintegrated and she became their sole provider.

“Everyone said that my life was over and that my children weren’t going to amount to anything,” says Shernette.

But she decided to be the best mom she could be. Shernette joined the PTA and went to parent-teacher meetings. She made sure she knew their friends and steered them away from those who lacked direction. Shernette took her children to church, prayed with them, laughed with them, and cried with them. What she didn’t know, she learned along the way.

“Today those same people who said that my children would amount to anything can’t stop complimenting me on what an awesome job I did and how successful my girls are,” says Shernette. She married at age 33 and had two boys with her husband. Her three girls all went to college and today have families of their own.

Her advice to a pregnant teen?  “Make a choice: decide to be a good mom. Engage in their lives. Give your kids the best chance you possibly can at a good future. “

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the gift of life. Allow pregnant teens to make the choice to be good moms. Guide their thoughts and actions.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Teens Who Have Chosen Life

Teen Mom to Pregnant Teens: “Surround Yourself With Positive People”

Teen Mom to Pregnant Teens: “Don’t Let Go of Your Dreams”

Teen Mom to Pregnant Teens: “You Can Do It!”

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