Before and After: 2 Times When Women Need Your Support Most

For You From The Word

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians 12:5)

For You To Think About

Older woman providing support to younger womanA choice for life may seem like a complicated matter. In truth, it boils down to just two areas of service.

Before: helping women and men understand how to prevent an unplanned pregnancy before it happens. “Before” support centers on education. Many wonderful organizations educate women and men with facts they need to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

After: helping women and men choose an outcome after discovering they’re pregnant. Once a pregnancy is confirmed, it is no longer theoretical or a future possibility. It is a reality. A different kind of support must kick in. Education is no longer enough. A child’s life and a mother’s health are now at stake. It is at this point at which “After” services offer practical help and hope.

These two kinds of support play a vital role in God’s work to preserve life. They represent a beautiful picture of the different parts of Christ’s body functioning together as a whole.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Thank you for inspiring different members of the Body of Christ to serve You in different ways to promote the cause of life. Multiply both the efforts of those who educate men and women about preventing pregnancy and those who support the newly-pregnant. Show me where I should serve.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Pregnancy Support

Today, 8,456 Women Face An Unplanned Pregnancy

Pregnancy Support: One-One Support Made the Difference

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