Find Resources to Encourage a Choice for Life

For You From The Word

The Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” 
(Matthew 2:13)

For You To Think About

resources for pregnancyJoseph, Jesus’ adoptive earthly father, found ways to tap into resources in order to support Mary in her unplanned pregnancy.

Rome required Joseph be registered in Bethlehem, so he traveled there with his fiancée to be counted in the census (transportation). Somehow, even in a strange town, he found a place for Mary to deliver the child (housing). Over the coming weeks and months he provided for his family, though away from his more familiar home base (job opportunities). When God warned him in a dream to escape Bethlehem by night, he figured out how to transport the holy family at least 100 miles to Egypt (transportation). And as the months turned into years in Egypt, he found ways to eke out a living in order to keep Jesus and Mary safe until they could return to Nazareth (job opportunities, housing).

Resources like housing, transportation, and job opportunities are much more readily available to birth parents today than in Joseph’s time. You can help point and connect pregnant women and their partners to resources, which will in turn encourage them to choose life.

For You To Pray

Merciful Father,
Don’t let practicalities stand in the way of a woman choosing life. Show me when a pregnant woman or her partner needs resource help and let me respond quickly.

More About Encouragement

Encouragement: How 83% More Women Could Choose Life

Encourage Means To Fill With Courage

10 Ways to Encourage Birth Moms

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