Hope Is Born In Rape Aftermath

For You From The Word

Hope does not disappoint us.
(Romans 5:5)

For You To Think About

Baby HopeOlivia was raped. Afterwards, nightmares and depression led her to attempt suicide. It was at the hospital after testing that Olivia discovered she was pregnant.

Olivia was torn by fears. If she parented, would she neglect a child conceived in rape? She was struggling financially, too, and wanted to provide for the baby rather than putting an innocent child through turmoil. She decided to place the child for adoption.

Putting the child’s needs first gave her hope. “The more she grew, the deeper my love for her grew,” said Olivia. “I knew then that I was making the right decision. I was giving her hope for a better future and a better life.” Olivia had further confirmation. The soon-to-be adoptive parents showed Olivia that they not only cared for the baby but they also cared for her and her 4-year-old daughter.

Olivia named the baby Hope for two reasons. “One, I was giving her the hope of having a wonderful life with two wonderful parents,” said Oliv1a. “Two, I named her Hope because I am giving two wonderful people the chance to parent this wonderful child.”

Olivia arranged for an open adoption. Today, she and her 4-year-old continue to see Hope often.

For You To Pray

Merciful Father,
Shower Your mercy and healing on rape victims. Shine Your hope into their darkness and show them Your loving-kindness.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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