How We Serve, Part 3: Faithfulness

For You From The Word

Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. (John 13:1, ESV)

For You To Think About

Third in a series of Birthmothers’ Core Values – the beliefs that drive our service to those who face an unplanned pregnancy

A faithful friend sticks by a companion no matter the circumstances.

two friends huggingJesus modeled faithfulness in His friendship with the disciples. When they let fear get the better of them in a storm, He was strong (Mark 4:35-41). When they squabbled among themselves, He explained a better way of thinking and then moved on from the incident (Luke 22:24-30). When they worried about money, He helped them see alternatives (Mark 6:35-44). Jesus not only accepted His friends and all their shortcomings, but He also helped them work through their issues.

But even more, Jesus believed that His friends could do great things for God. He sent them out on a special assignment (Luke 10) and His faithfulness was rewarded. The disciples returned with amazing stories of healing and recovery.

Faithfulness is constancy. Jesus stuck by His friends when they were at their best, at their worst, and everything in between – yet He maintained an unwavering trust in their purpose.

Just as God is faithful, we can be committed to staying in relationship for as long as needed with any woman, partner, or family member who faces an unplanned pregnancy… and offering steadfast faith in God’s ability to use that person for powerful and meaningful purposes.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
I am so grateful for Your faithfulness! You continue to love me in spite of my shortcomings, yet You also allow me to be used for Your Kingdom. Give me the opportunity to demonstrate that kind of faithfulness to someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals about How We Serve

How We Serve Part 5: We Offer Adoption

How We Serve, Part 4: We are Unified

How We Serve, Part 2: We Build Relationships

How We Serve, Part 1: We Love without Condition

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