Reaching Out: Church Team Instrumental in Outreach Miracle

Right after their Birthmothers Church Team launch, members of the Birthmothers Team at Soul Purpose Church encouraged each other to distribute Birthmothers’ Need a Friend? cards.

ultrasound imageOne member, Michelle Brown, shared the cards with the medical staff at Fauquier Hospital (Warrenton, VA), where she’s employed as an ultrasound technician. None of her colleagues seemed interested.  Disappointed, Michelle slipped the materials into her desk drawer.

A few days later, a patient named Beth had a sonogram to determine the cause of her distended abdomen.  When the ultrasound tech supervisor read the results, Beth reacted in shock and distress.  She had no idea she was 24 weeks’ pregnant.

The supervisor sought out Michelle.  “Do you have any of those Birthmothers cards handy?” the supervisor asked.  “This patient needs one.”

Later Michelle learned that Beth had not only contacted Birthmothers for help, but she’d even met with Birthmothers personnel the very day she was scheduled for an abortion.  Beth cancelled her abortion.  She has since rejected any thought of ending the pregnancy and is now considering adoption.

“What an amazing moment when we connected the dots about Michelle’s outreach and this birth mom!” said the Soul Purpose Church Team coordinator.  “We’ve been able to see God’s work through us – something that always doesn’t happen in ministry.  Wow!”

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