Ways Lives Are Saved: Ultrasounds

For You From The Word

You knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13, NIV)

For You To Think About

women receiving an ultrasound“No one can change my mind about getting an abortion!” said Gina to the First Choice Women’s Resource center worker. “Not my friends in the waiting room, not that girl who just came in and spoke to me, and definitely not you.” Gina had come to the center to get information about terminating her pregnancy.

The worker told Gina know that it was not my intention to force her not to abort but rather to present her with her options so she could make the best, most well-informed decision. The two talked for about an hour. Gina shared about her family, her goals, and her relationship with the father of her baby. The worker shared about parenting and adoption options. After the conversation, Gina thanked the worker – but she was firm in her decision to terminate.

Then Gina had an ultrasound.

She looked at the monitor. Gina looked at our nurse and me and said, “Yo, that’s it! That’s my baby!” It was the first time she identified her child as a baby. Gina carried the pregnancy to term and kept her child.

Up to 78% of women to see an ultrasound of their babies choose not to have abortions, according to a recent survey conducted by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Allow more pregnant women have ultrasounds during the all-important decision-making process. Use the procedure to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ways Lives Are Saved Through Ultrasound

This Referral to a Pregnancy Care Center Saved a Baby’s Life

99.26% Clinics Say Ultrasounds Help Women Choose Life

Ultrasounds Save Lives at Pregnancy Medical Clinics

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