When Guys Really Need Other Guys

For You From The Word

Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. (1 Samuel 18:3)

For You To Think About

guy alone at sunset“I’m pregnant,” said Rachel.

Trevor, her boyfriend, turned away. Emotions washed over him, yet he didn’t want to show them. “What will you do?” he asked. Rachel burst into tears and ran from the room.

Like so many men, Trevor did not display his emotions openly. Yet they ran very deep.

Guilt. Trevor was concerned that the pregnancy was his fault.
Powerlessness. Trevor was used to being in control, but now he felt helpless. What decision would Rachel make?
Isolation. Trevor was hesitant to share his feelings, instead opting for cool rationality. That made Rachel felt unsupported, so she shut him out.
Fear. What will the future hold for him? Rachel? Their relationship? The child?
Vulnerability. Perhaps more than anything else, Trevor felt insecure about sharing his feelings with another person and working through his situation.

This is a time when a guy needs another guy’s support more than ever. The biblical relationship between David and Jonathan paints a beautiful picture of trust and transparency between men. The two formed a bond of trust based on respect. In the ultimate act of vulnerability, Jonathan stripped off his tunic, sword, bow and belt, and gave them to David (1 Samuel 18:4). He felt safe and respected with David.

Men can give – and take – that kind of support in the midst of crisis.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Touch the hearts of men who face an unplanned pregnancy. Let them know they can be safe, vulnerable, and transparent with another guy. Bring men into their lives who can speak Your truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Support for Men

When a Guy Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

How to Support a Man Who Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

Thank You to All the Birth Dads Out There

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