The Crossover Church Team uses the Birthmothers’ team devotional, 4Life, for its Bible study during meetings. “It gets us thinking together about issues that impact our birth moms,” says Team Coordinator Mona Benson. Group members discuss ongoing team projects, share updates about their birth moms, and pray for each woman by name.
Many team members have experienced brokenness in their lives, and in turn want hurting women to know they are valued and loved. Together the team decided to express support birth moms in a tangible way. Every birth mom they serve receives a gift basket from the team, regardless of whether the woman chooses to parent her child or place for adoption. The church has agreed to donate a gift to include in each basket.
The result is both an outward ministry and an inward healing process. “God is using our individual experiences to help others and help each other,” says Mona. “We’re making a difference, and it feels really good.”