Adoption: Birthmothers provides the missing link

A FRIEND’S STORY: Birthmothers provides the missing link

When a birth mom’s Friend moved to another state, Katy McClesky was matched in her place.

link.jpgMy husband and I have both biological and adopted children.  I thought my experience equipped me to understand the sacrifice birth moms make. During the adoption process, we received encouragement from the agencies, attorneys and other adoptive families. That was especially helpful while waiting for a birth mom to make her final decision. 

Nevertheless, over time I’ve come to wonder if there is a similar network for the women who give birth. Where do they find an advocate?  How do they get emotional support?

When I heard about Birthmothers, I realized the ministry was that missing link. I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I trained as a Friend and shared my experiences as an adoptive parent with the Birthmothers staff.  It was natural that I’d be matched with Rhonda* once her first Friend moved to another state. Rhonda was a rape victim who decided to place her child for adoption.

But I must confess that as Rhonda’s Friend, God has allowed me a whole different perspective on adoption.  The emotions attached to surrender can’t be created in the mind … they can only be experienced. As Rhonda and I talk, my heart aches for her.  Her sacrifice is real. 

I’ve shared with Rhonda how much joy our children have brought to our family.  To say I’m grateful that women choose life doesn’t fully express how I feel.  But I believe she understands … and I believe that encourages her and gives her hope.

*name changed to protect confidentiality

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