A FRIEND’S STORY: God uses my gifts and skills
Olethia McBride is a career social worker.
I’m a social worker with considerable experience in the foster care system.
When I was first matched with birth mom Randi,* I struggled. Randi is pregnant with twins, yet she also has four other children – two of them in foster care. All I could do was pray, “OK, God … again? Another heartbreaking situation?”
I worked hard to build trust with Randi. “I’m not going to try to be your mom,” I told her. “I’m here to help.” I made a point to be at court with her during her foster care hearing. She wanted me to meet all her kids, so I picked her up and took them out to lunch. Since Randi doesn’t know much about adoption, I attended Infant Adoption Specialist Training offered by Birthmothers, so I’d be informed.
When it comes to Randi, there are no easy answers. She needs housing. She has yet to decide whether to parent or place.
Randi needed a Friend who understands the social services system and will be honest with her, yet love her at the same time. Now, when I think about Randi, I can see that God is using my specific skills in a special way as I serve her.
I’m grateful I can be so useful.
*name changed to protect confidentiality