Courage Is a Choice

For You From The Word

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.
(1 Chronicles 28:20)

For You To Think About

woman choosing courageMary, a teenage mother-to-be, courageously chose to bear her child in spite of potential cultural rejection. Joseph valiantly assumed the role of adoptive father. Together, they bravely relocated to a foreign country to protect their child. While these decisions may not have been their heart’s desire, these two parents chose to act with courage.

An unplanned pregnancy reveals a person’s courage – the ability to face the challenge without being overcome by fear, inaction, or turning away.

But courage is not innate. Rather, it is a choice. At least 30 times in scripture we are told to “be courageous,” “take courage,” “act with courage,” or “keep your courage.”

The world is a more inspiring place because of people like Mary and Joseph who, despite these seemingly impossible challenges, choose to be courageous. They embrace hardship, confusion, pain, or the unknown in order to face the challenge.

If you or someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy, you also face this choice: how courageous will you be?

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
You allow us to choose courage. Give us the strength to follow through. Today, speak to those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Move in them to make courageous choices.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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