Motherhood Series, Part 2: Mom’s Love Is Unique

For You From The Word

Encourage the young women to love their children … so that the word of God may not be discredited. (Titus 2:4, NRSV)

For You To Think About

Second in a series on motherhood

Woman Kissing the Top of a Baby's Head (3-6 Months) --- Image by © Royalty-Free/CorbisIn Titus 2:4, the Greek word filoteknous is used when encouraging women to love their children. The term appears nowhere else in scripture.  That a mother’s love would merit its own term is noteworthy. In Bible times, little importance was placed on children.

The word represents a special type of love attributed to mothers.

The word’s root, filo, denotes the familiarity of a close companion and one who acts with kindness. The second part of the word, teknous, describes an affectionate relationship that nurtures and molds, one so devoted that it borders on the edge of fanaticism.

Children who have a close, supportive relationship with their mothers – filoteknous – have a better chance of being physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.

God underscores the value of a mother’s very unique love. She guides and influences children with compassionate, passionate devotion so they flourish.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Fill mothers and mothers-to-be with a very unique love for their children. Let them nurture and mold their children with devotion, allowing them to become healthy, faithful adults.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Motherhood Series

Motherhood Series, Part 1: A Mother is an Heir

Motherhood Series, Part 3: Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

Motherhood Series, Part 4: Motherhood Is Highly Valued

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