Motherhood Series, Part 1: Mothers are Heirs

For You From The Word

Children are a heritage from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3)

For You To Think About

First in a series on motherhood

Young Mother Kissing InfantPsalm 127:3 tells us, “Children are a heritage from the Lord.” A heritage, or inheritance, is a gift transmitted to an heir.

Mothers are heirs. They are highly honored in God’s sight and chosen by Him to inherit part of His estate.

Mothers are chosen. God has selected mothers to be designated caretakers who will bear and care for His precious children.

Mothers are trusted. God entrusts mothers with His offspring to raise in the flesh and partners with mothers to lead these precious beings into adulthood.

When a mother or mother-to-be struggle to understand her role, remind her of this: she has been chosen with great intentionality by the Heavenly Father and entrusted by Him to care for His most treasured possession – His children.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Motherhood is an honor. Allow mothers and mothers-to-be to understand the trust you place in them. Fill them with wisdom to bear that responsibility in a way that glorifies You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Motherhood

Motherhood Series, Part 2: A Special Word for a Mother’s Love

Motherhood Series, Part 3: Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

Motherhood Series, Part 4: Motherhood Is Highly Valued

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