For You From The Word
“‘The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.’”
(Jeremiah 33:14, NIV)
For You To Think About
Advent, meaning “coming” or “appearance,” is the season leading up to Christmas. It’s a time when we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ and look forward to His reappearance. The first week in Advent focuses on hope.
Yet for many who face an unplanned pregnancy, hope for the future often seems impossible. A pregnant woman has decisions to make now, yet hope seems to be a concept reserved for the distant future. Pregnancy runs on a timetable. The future appears uncertain. God’s hope and presence feel far away.
The true issue is not whether or not hope exists … but whether or not a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy can experience it.
The Israelites faced the same struggle with hope. During the dark years of waiting and exile, it would have been easy for God’s people to forget His character and promises. They awaited a promised Messiah for centuries, but hope appeared futile.
Yet God kept His word. He sent the Messiah.
When hope appears to be far removed from reality for a pregnant woman, she can focus on God’s declaration: “I will fulfill the gracious promise I made” (Jeremiah 33:14). God’s Word is an unfailing hope to which a pregnant woman can cling.
For You To Pray
Heavenly Father,
You give hope, even when we don’t feel it. Place me in the path of a woman, partner, or family who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Let me know words to share that breathe hope into the situation.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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She Gave Hope When She Could Have Said No to Life
One Little Brochure Means Brand-New Hope
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