“I’m Just One Person” – Joining With Thousands During 40 Days for Life

For You From The Word

“Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20, NIV)

For You To Think About

40 Days for Life Vigil

40 Days for Life

“I’m just one person!”

Yes, but when you join with others in your community during a 40 Days for Life campaign – even just two or three people together – you can help turn hearts and minds to a culture of life.

And nationwide you join tens of thousands in –

  • praying and fasting for women to choose life
  • participating in a vigil outside a local abortion clinic
  • providing community outreach, such as spreading the word about Birthmothers’ one-on-one, life-affirming, adoption-informing services for pregnant women

Reports from previous campaigns document hundreds of lives saved from abortion. You can help change minds and save lives in your own backyard when you take a stand for life with others.

Even just two or three of you.

For You To Pray

Almighty God,

Move many to take a stand and join in unity during the 40 Days for Life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

More about 40 Days for Life

How God Uses 40 Days to Save Lives

40 Days for Life: Find a Vigil Near You

What Is 40 Days for Life?


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