For You From The Word
Hannah said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him (to the house of the Lord) and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.” (1 Samuel 1:22, NIV)
For You To Think About
A mother’s love is an image of God’s sacrificial love for his children.

Hannah not only longed for a child; she was also misunderstood by people in her life. Her husband Elkanah loved her, but had other children. The mother of her husband’s children ridiculed her infertility. Eli, the priest, mistook Hannah’s intercession for drunkenness.
Hannah poured herself out to God, vowing if she had a son, she would dedicate him to God’s service.
She conceived a boy and raised him until he was weaned. Then, Hannah kept her vow to God and allowed the child, Samuel, to be raised by priest Eli in the house of the Lord.
Because of her obedience, Israel gained a great spiritual leader. Samuel took Eli’s place as high priest when Eli’s sons were brought down by evil. Hannah’s son served as a judge in Israel and became the earliest Hebrew prophet.
Hannah did not get to raise her son beyond his first few years of life, but her sacrifice helped restore righteousness to God’s house in Israel.
For You To Pray
Loving Father,
Thank You for demonstrating Your love for us through the sacrificial love of a mother. Allow mothers-to-be to understand that life comes from You. Let them hear Your voice as You speak about the children they carry.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Courageous Mothers, Part 1: One Mom’s Sacrifice Produces a Great Leader
Courageous Mothers, Part 3: A Mom Saves Her Child From Execution
Courageous Mothers, Part 4: Courageous Mother Gives Birth, Saves Herself Too