Fatherhood Series #2: Effective Fathers Are Teachers

For You From The Word

He commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them. (Psalm 78:5-6, NIV)

For You To Think About

Second in a series on fatherhood

father reading a book to his sonGod is clear on what fathers are to teach their children: His Word.

Less than 10% of parents who regularly attend church participate in faith-building activities with their families during the week, such as reading the Bible, praying together, conducting family worship, or participating in a service activity, according to research by the Barna Group. Moreover, only 5% of churched parents have a biblical worldview.

But fathers who teach their children God’s Word and God’s ways can have a powerful impact on their character and in how their children grow in faith.

  • Knowing God’s Word equips children to trust God. They come to understand that His ways protect them and give them life. (Psalm 78:7)
  • Trusting God moves children to keep His commands. Children want to obey God to please Him. (Psalm 78:7)
  • Keeping God’s commands helps children be loyal to God. (Psalm 78:8)

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Your Word helps us trust You, keep Your commands, and be loyal to You. We want that for the next generation. Move in fathers to see the tremendous role they can play in building faith in their children by teaching them Your Word.
In Jesus’name, Amen.

More about Effective Fathers

Fatherhood Series #1: Effective Fathers are Present

Fatherhood Series #3: Effective Fathers are Compassionate

Fatherhood Series #4: Effective Fathers Listen and Answer

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