Numbers: Do They Matter When It Comes Friends and Followers?

For You From The Word

There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

For You To Think About

woman with laptop, tablet, phone“How many friends and followers do you have?” In the world of social media, that’s THE question users ask. It feels good to accumulate large numbers of “friends.” In fact, one criticism against social media is that users engage with others simply to garner attention.

But in truth, our preoccupation with acquiring “friends” is different than the Bible’s call to be a friend. A “”Follower” list is a technical term for a series of contacts. A true friend, on the other hand, is someone who makes the effort to go deeper with you – and doesn’t give up on you, even during difficulties.

83% post-abortive women say they would have made a different choice if they’d had support from a partner or special person during pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs a true friend – someone who is not just a contact, but sticks close during her ordeal, even when times are hard.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Give me opportunities to be a true friend. Help me go deeper with those you place in my path and stick close to them in good times and bad.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Read more about True Friends

A Friend Is Objective
A Friend Loves Long-Distance
A Friend Loves at All Times – and Is Sent By God

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