For You From The Word
Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.
(Luke 1:56)
For You To Think About

Mary did not plan to be pregnant. She had never been intimate with a man. When she heard that her cousin Elizabeth was expecting, she knew that situation was also a surprise. Elizabeth had been married for many years, but had no children and was considered barren.
Like so many women who face an unplanned pregnancy, Mary’s road to motherhood would not be easy. She suspected that Elizabeth would understand and relate to her unusual circumstances. Mary reached out. She sought her cousin’s support, traveled to Elizabeth’s home, and stayed with her for an extended time. Elizabeth affirmed Mary’s role as mother of our Lord. Her unwavering commitment helped Mary to rejoice in her pregnancy.
You can make a difference for a pregnant woman when you encourage her to get connected to a special friend for support and encouragement.
For You To Pray
Gracious Father,
Help women seek out a friend for support during pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.