A Pregnant Woman’s Prayer

For You From The Word

O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. (Psalm 139:1)

For You To Think About

A pregnant woman’s prayer, based on Psalm 139:1-18

Heavenly Father,

You understand me more deeply than I can ever imagine. You know my every thought and feeling. You see every step I take. You know where I am at every moment. You know what I’m going to say before I say it. I praise You for knowing everything about me.

You go before me into every situation and You follow close behind to protect me. How wonderful it is – I can’t go anywhere without Your covering! If the way is clear, You are there. If the road is dark and treacherous, You are there also. Even if I try to hide from You, I cannot. You continue to shine Your light into my life even when decisions don’t come easily or when darkness threatens me. Darkness and light don’t matter to You! I praise You for protecting me.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together. You were there when I was formed. And right now, You are knitting together my child in complete secrecy. You see my child. You have planned and recorded every day both for me and for my child in Your book of life. I praise You for seeing me when no one else does.

I can’t begin to count the number of times each day that Your thoughts turn to me! Each morning when I wake up, You think of me. How precious it is to know that You think of me all the time. I praise You for caring more deeply than anyone else can.

In Jesus name, Amen

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help pregnant women experience the power of God’s presence.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Prayers for Pregnant Women to Pray

A Pregnant Woman’s Prayer for Assurance

A Prayer of Those Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

A Prayer to Pray When Pregnant and Lonely

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Motherhood Series, Part 4: Respect for Mothers and Motherhood

For You From The Word

King Solomon rose up to meet (his mother Bathsheba) and bowed down to her, and sat down on his throne and had a throne set for the king’s mother; so she sat at his right hand. (1Kings 2:19, NKJV)

For You To Think About

Fourth in a series on motherhood

woman's eyeIn Bible times, Hebrew mothers were honored and valued. That attitude contrasts starkly with the Eastern cultural view towards women – both then and now.

King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, demonstrated this attitude of respect towards mothers and motherhood in a particularly poignant scene.

His mother came to petition her son, the king, on a delicate family matter. Although Solomon wisely chose to deny the request, he treated his mother with reverence: he stood when she entered. He bowed down to her. He had a chair brought for her comfort. He invited his mother to sit in the exalted position – at his right hand.

In a day and time when the king was placed on a pedestal, Solomon stepped down in order to lift up his mother.

The respect afforded to Hebrew mothers serves as a powerful reminder of the high value God, too, places on motherhood and mothers.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the high value You place on mothes and motherhood. Move today in women, man, and families to respect motherhood. Let our nation honor mothers as You do.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More in our Motherhood Series

Motherhood Series, Part 1: Mothers are Heirs

Motherhood Series, Part 2: A Special Word for a Mother’s Love

Motherhood Series, Part 3: Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

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Motherhood Series, Part 3: Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

For You From The Word

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. … love your neighbor as yourself. 
(Mark 12:30-31, NIV)

For You To Think About

Third in a series on motherhood

Mother Watching Baby ca. 2000When asked to identify the most important commandment, Jesus gave a two-for-one response: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength … and love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12: 30-31).

That powerful scripture offers a reminder of the different ways a mother can love and nurture her child:

Emotional nurturing: Mothers can build up and benefit their children with words of affirmation, encouragement, and support.  (Ephesians 4:29)

Spiritual nurturing: Mothers have the opportunity to share about God with their children from even before they are born, throughout infancy, childhood, and beyond. (2 Timothy 3:14-15)

Mental nurturing: Effective mothers seek out their children’s strengths, always looking for opportunities that stimulate their children and allow them to develop their God-given gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:7)

Physical nurturing: As the heartbeat of the home, a mother can cultivate a tone of love and acceptance in a harmonious home environment. (1 Peter 3:8)

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Let mothers and mothers-to-be continually be plugged into Your strength giving them deep reservoirs to draw on as they nurture their children. Equip them with the ability to nurture their children emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Motherhood Series

Part 1: Mothers are Heirs

Part 2: A Mom’s Love is Unique

Part 4: Motherhood Is Highly Valued

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Motherhood Series, Part 2: Mom’s Love Is Unique

For You From The Word

Encourage the young women to love their children … so that the word of God may not be discredited. (Titus 2:4, NRSV)

For You To Think About

Second in a series on motherhood

Woman Kissing the Top of a Baby's Head (3-6 Months) --- Image by © Royalty-Free/CorbisIn Titus 2:4, the Greek word filoteknous is used when encouraging women to love their children. The term appears nowhere else in scripture.  That a mother’s love would merit its own term is noteworthy. In Bible times, little importance was placed on children.

The word represents a special type of love attributed to mothers.

The word’s root, filo, denotes the familiarity of a close companion and one who acts with kindness. The second part of the word, teknous, describes an affectionate relationship that nurtures and molds, one so devoted that it borders on the edge of fanaticism.

Children who have a close, supportive relationship with their mothers – filoteknous – have a better chance of being physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.

God underscores the value of a mother’s very unique love. She guides and influences children with compassionate, passionate devotion so they flourish.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Fill mothers and mothers-to-be with a very unique love for their children. Let them nurture and mold their children with devotion, allowing them to become healthy, faithful adults.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Motherhood Series

Motherhood Series, Part 1: A Mother is an Heir

Motherhood Series, Part 3: Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

Motherhood Series, Part 4: Motherhood Is Highly Valued

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Motherhood Series, Part 1: Mothers are Heirs

For You From The Word

Children are a heritage from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3)

For You To Think About

First in a series on motherhood

Young Mother Kissing InfantPsalm 127:3 tells us, “Children are a heritage from the Lord.” A heritage, or inheritance, is a gift transmitted to an heir.

Mothers are heirs. They are highly honored in God’s sight and chosen by Him to inherit part of His estate.

Mothers are chosen. God has selected mothers to be designated caretakers who will bear and care for His precious children.

Mothers are trusted. God entrusts mothers with His offspring to raise in the flesh and partners with mothers to lead these precious beings into adulthood.

When a mother or mother-to-be struggle to understand her role, remind her of this: she has been chosen with great intentionality by the Heavenly Father and entrusted by Him to care for His most treasured possession – His children.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Motherhood is an honor. Allow mothers and mothers-to-be to understand the trust you place in them. Fill them with wisdom to bear that responsibility in a way that glorifies You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Motherhood

Motherhood Series, Part 2: A Special Word for a Mother’s Love

Motherhood Series, Part 3: Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

Motherhood Series, Part 4: Motherhood Is Highly Valued

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In Adversity, Share This Encouragement With Pregnant Women

For You From The Word

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope. (1 Peter 1:3)

For You To Think About

Peter, the apostle who led the early Christian church, wrote letters to believers who faced difficulties. Peter’s words were meant to give them courage in the face of adversity.

His letters can be a big encouragement to women who face an unplanned pregnancy!

In 1 Peter 1:3, he points out that the future doesn’t depend on what we’ve done, but what God has done through Jesus.

Pregnant women can know that:

  • He gives mercy (which women can appropriate immediately, in the midst of their difficulties)
  • He gives a new birth through Christ (which can lead women to eternal life)
  • He gives a living hope (which can provide women with courage to live day to day)

A woman’s life, worth, and future do not depend on her or who she is or what she has done … but on her loving Father’s acts and character. He gives us a Living Hope in Jesus Christ.

This is good news you can share with a pregnant woman today!

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Help women who face an unplanned pregnancy know that their worth lies in You.
I praise You for being our Living Hope!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Encouragement to Share During Adversity

Encouragement: Walk With a Woman for Just 6 Days

A Friend’s Story: “Encouragement Gave Her a Voice”

Encouragement for Pregnant Teens

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Birthmothers in MTV Documentary Consider Adoption

For You From the Word

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous.
(Joshua 10:25)

For You To Think About

pregnant teenOne of the earliest MTV True Life series to air was a documentary titled, “I’m Placing My Baby for Adoption.” It followed two women who considered adoption during their unplanned pregnancies.

Attorney James R. Marsh  reports that the shows producers set clear goals for the drama: to help de-stigmatize the adoption process, to show that adoption is a choice that loving, responsible mothers make when they believe it’s best for their child, and to express the range of emotions birthmothers experience during the decision process.

But all the planning in the world could not script show’s outcome. “After working on several True Life documentaries, there was something especially unique (and challenging) during the production on this one,” said Hagan, one of the producers. “It was almost impossible to anticipate how things would end.”

Even in the most scripted environment – recorded television –  the courageous decision to place a child for adoption could only be made by one person: the birth mother.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Guide birthmothers who are considering adoption. Give them courage to make the best choice for their babies.

Volume 3, Number 32 OCTOBER 13, 2009
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The Expert Knitter

For You From The Word

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
(Psalm 139:13-14)

For You To Think About

knitterAnyone who has tried to hand-knit understands it’s anything but easy, even with a good pattern and quality yarn at your disposal. Knitting takes time, practice, and skill.

In order for a project to succeed, a knitter plans it deliberately. She’s intentional about choosing the right size needles, type and weight of yarn, and pattern. Then there’s the actual knitting. Every stitch matters.  Knitters know how easy it is to drop a stitch and unravel an entire garment – and hours of time.

In Psalm 139, God gives us a powerful word picture describing a baby’s development in the womb: He knit together each one of us. God created the “threads” of our individual make-up and then wove them together perfectly. Like a knitter, God plans each life deliberately and intentionally. He creates each cell and then knits them together to craft a beautiful new life. Knitting together a human being is more than a complex project … it’s a masterpiece.

No child is the result of chance.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Help women who face an unplanned pregnancy understand that You plan each life intentionally. You’re knitting their babies together perfectly right now.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Mobile Ultrasound Vehicles Go to Pregnant Women Across U.S.

For You From The Word

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

For You To Think About

UGO MobileWhen Julee discovered she was pregnant, she didn’t know what to do. But she’d heard about mobile pregnancy center parked nearby. She stopped in. While there, she had a free ultrasound and heard her baby’s heartbeat for the first time. The team was one of several dozen mobile units deployed by ICU Mobile across the country to bring free ultrasounds to women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

The medical team prayed with Julee and gave her much needed information. Julee prayed to receive Christ and she chose life.

Nine months later, Julee spotted the same mobile ultrasound unit, this time parked 20 miles where she had been first served. The coincidence overwhelmed her. She went aboard the mobile once again, but this time to thank everyone who had supported and helped her during a difficult time. As the staff spoke with her and looked at pictures of her beautiful baby girl, they realized Julee needed encouragement. They gave her a Bible and showed her scriptures she could read.

Julee left with a smile, motivated to grow and keep attending church “I think God put this mobile in my path, 20 miles from where I first saw you, so you could speak to me once again,” she said.

Of the abortion-minded women who receive an ultrasound from ICU Mobile, 87.8% change their mind and choose life. The ministry shares the Gospel with each patient they serve and 39.8% make a first-time commitment to Jesus.

For You To Pray

God of life,
Move in women to visit a mobile ultrasound unit in their area and choose life. Raise up Friends in those locations who walk alongside them during their pregnancy to encourage them, pray with them, and provide support … support that Julee needed.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More Ways to Serve Abortion-Minded Women

Choosing Life: I Mentored an Abortion-Minded Woman

Prayers to Pray for an Abortion-Minded Woman

Ultrasounds Save Lives at Pregnancy Medical Clinics


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Choosing Life: My birth mom needed an advocate

A Friend’s Story: My birth mom was abortion-minded and needed an advocate

Annette Mendoza was matched with Rosa because she spoke Spanish — and God used her in more ways than one

The emergency phone call from Rockville Pregnancy Center to was to the point. “We have a pregnant woman who is abortion-minded and speaks only Spanish.  Our ultrasound schedule is booked solid, but another center is able to fit her in.  Can someone take her to the appointment?”

Hispanic birth mom with cell phone. She needed an advocateI was matched with Rosa and called her immediately. It was clear she needed an advocate.  After a brief conversation, Rosa agreed to delay her abortion until after the ultrasound.  That gave me time to learn more about her.

Rosa worked as a housekeeper but had recently lost her job. She lived with her brother, who would not tolerate an out-of-wedlock pregnancy. His eviction threat accounted for Rosa’s panicked reaction. The birth father was no longer in the picture. Rosa’s two other birth children are being raised by relatives in Honduras.

When Rosa saw the 3D images of her child, tears formed in her eyes. At one point, the baby turned and faced her directly. After the ultrasound, she was decisive. She would not terminate the pregnancy.  Her decision gave me the opportunity to present the adoption option – an avenue that she hadn’t considered before, but is now her intention.

I set about to help Rosa find a place to live. Initially she moved into a maternity home, but its remote location and lack of transportation meant she couldn’t look for a job. Inactivity made her feel useless and unproductive. For a few weeks, Rosa bounced between friends’ homes, always looking for work. Her movements were erratic, and I was afraid she would change her mind and have an abortion. “Call me if you need help,” I texted her. “Anytime.”

One morning, the phone rang. Rosa was in a service station parking lot with her luggage, about an hour away. Could I help her?

My husband and I discussed the situation and agreed that God wanted us to invite Rosa to be a part of our family.

“Would you like to live with us?” I asked Rosa as we rode home. She nodded. We put together a contract that spelled out expectations. Rosa would help care for our children and attend church with us. We would love her, provide her room and board, and pay her a small stipend.

It has touched my heart to be a part of Rosa’s life. I am making a difference not only with providing her food and a warm place to live, but also relieving her stress so she can have a healthy pregnancy. Perhaps most importantly, Rosa recently rededicated her life to Christ. I believe God is using her pregnancy and her relationship with my family to bring her closer to Him.

“God has a plan,” I told Rosa recently. “You and I didn’t cross paths by chance. He’s using both of us for a greater purpose – together.”

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