You Can Choose Life – Even If You’re Not Pregnant

For You From The Word

I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. Choose life.
(Deuteronomy 30:15)

For You To Think About

polling station“I’m not pregnant. I’m not faced with a decision about choosing life.”

Yes, you are.

You needn’t be pregnant to choose life. You choose life in the voting booth.

Each year the American people will go to the polls to elect new leaders.

Our government leaders pass or block legislation that encourages life, promotes adoption, and supports the voiceless and vulnerable. Leaders are in the position to educate their constituents about the sanctity of life – or not. They can advocate for pro-life appointments to our courts, or promote court appointees with little or no respect for life.

By casting your vote for government officials who stand for life, you choose life.

For You To Pray

God of life,
Move the American people to choose leaders who take a stand for life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Concerned Citizens Make Up the Life Movement

For You From The Word

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians 12:5)

For You To Think About

Ray heard that his church was providing a van to transport members to the staging area for the local March For Life. He had the day off work and decided to go with the group.

volunteer group raising hands against blue sky backgroundA friend told Jan about a prayer vigil on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. “That’s something I can do,” she thought. “I can pray for people to choose life.” Jan went to the vigil.

Matthew’s congressman is staunchly pro-life. Matthew appreciated the congressman’s voting record and his views. He wrote a short email to his congressman, thanked him for his pro-life position, and encouraged him to stand firm.

Alison’s children brought home a flyer from school announcing a diaper drive to benefit a local pregnancy care center. The next day she sent two bags of diapers to school for the drive – one with each of her children.

You don’t need to be militant to take a stand for life. Ray, Jan, Matthew, and Alison are examples of concerned citizens who took action.

Many people working together, taking many small steps, make up a movement. If
you care about life, look for ways you can serve that are a good fit for you.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,

Show those with a passion for life to take one step to serve
in the cause of life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

More about Pro-Life Citizens

What Pro-Life Really Means

Three Changes in Pro-Life Trends

Practical and Pro-Life Ministries for Your Church

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Options For Pregnant Women Are Increasing

For You From The Word

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
(Romans 12:21)

For You To Think About

hand over hand helpingGood is a powerful deterrent to evil.

Take, for instance, those who are deeply moved by the issue of choosing life. Rather than be overcome by evil, they have invested in good by working to remove places where darkness thrives. In 1995, there were 1,900 abortion clinics operating across the U.S. Today, there are an estimated 650-750. One way to work for good is to counter the opportunity for evil to flourish.

Simultaneously, visionaries have worked for good by increasing options for pregnant women other than abortion. As the number of U.S. abortion clinics declines, there are between 3,000 and 4,000 U.S. pregnancy care centers now actively operating.

Strong, committed believers who walk with those who face an unplanned pregnancy point them to Jesus and life. They are working to overcome evil with good.

Overcoming evil with good helps preserve life.

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
Strengthen Your people to shine Your light where darkness tries to hide. Continue to increase options and support for pregnant women. Work through us to overcome evil with good.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Wise Men (and Women) Don’t Ignore the Obvious

For You From The Word

When Herod had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied.
(Matthew 2:4-5)

 For You To Think About

Wasn’t it obvious that the Messiah had come? Magi met with King Herod and told him about the star they had followed to lead them to the king of the Jews. To confirm that information, Herod asked religious leaders where their King was to be born – and they answered the same as the magi: Bethlehem. Just six miles away from King Herod’s palace in Jerusalem.

woman-in-shadowHerod ignored the obvious facts. He missed the opportunity for redemption. Instead, feeling threatened, he took brutal action and killed all male babies two years and under.

Likewise, the religious leaders ignored the obvious fulfillment of prophecies. They missed meeting the Messiah! What a loss.

As you consider the needs of pregnant women, let mistakes by Herod and the ancient Jewish leaders serve as a reminder.

Don’t ignore this important fact: women who face an unplanned pregnancy need a Friend. “If we are to encourage women not to have an abortion,” says Ruth B. Graham, daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, “Then we need to be there for them.”

It’s clear: pregnant women need one-on-one support. Don’t ignore the obvious – or miss the opportunity.

For You To Pray

Merciful Father,
Pregnant women need a Friend. Don’t let me miss the opportunity to be one.

More about Wise Men

The Wise Men’s Royal Effort to Respect Life

The Magi’s Choice: An Open Heart

The Massacre of Innocents – Then and Now


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The Perfect Parent Award

For You From The Word

Your heavenly Father knows that you need these things.
(Matthew 6:32)

For You To Think About

Dad and baby“You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent.” What an encouragement for anyone who has given birth or is raising a child!

No parent is perfect except our heavenly Father. He partners with parents of all kinds – from birth parents to adoptive parents to step parents to foster parents – in raising a child.

Encourage parents you know. Take time to affirm a birth parent that has placed. Stand with an adoptive parent.

And when parents of any stripe feel discouraged, offer them some grace – including yourself as you parent. The Perfect Parent Award has already been given out, anyway.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for partnering with birth parents, adoptive parents, step parents, and foster parents to raise children.
Show me how to encourage the parents I know.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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The Wise Men’s Royal Effort to Respect Life

For You From The Word

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. (Matthew 2:11)

For You To Think About

While the Bible does not specify the number of Wise Men who made the trip to Bethlehem from Persia, nor how old Jesus was when they visited Him, it reveals a few other important details.

man-kneeling-in-worship over BibleThese widely-respected, enormously wealthy dignitaries went to considerable effort to acknowledge a baby born into poverty and anonymity. Their jaunt to Palestine was 1,000 – 1,200 arduous miles and likely took 3 – 12 months by camel, not including weeks of preparation. They gave Jesus three gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh – estimated to be valued at $1-2 million in today’s dollars.

While the Wise Men’s stature warranted a personal audience with King Herod, often overlooked in this royal effort is how they fell prostrate in front of the Christ child. Which required more sacrifice … making the trip or showing respect?

In both, their response to Jesus models humility for us.

Humility does not diminish your worth, but acknowledges the value of those around you.

Even those who are born into or live in obscurity.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Give me the humility to honor lives around me, regardless of race, nationality, faith, or economic circumstances. Help me show respect to all persons, born and unborn.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Advent, Week 4: Peace on Earth Is One-Sided … Thankfully

For You From The Word

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men. (Luke 2:14, NIV)

For You To Think About

stars in skyAdvent, meaning “coming” or “appearance,” is the season leading up to Christmas. It’s a time when we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ and look forward to His return. In many Christian traditions, the fourth week in Advent focuses on peace.

“Peace on earth” is a popular sentiment at Christmas, based on the message first shared by the angels to the shepherds on a Bethlehem hillside. Yet a mistake has been perpetuated in the sharing of this message in today’s culture. It is taken to mean “Peace on earth between men,” as in a horizontal relationship.

Peace between men requires a two-sided agreement. A woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy may attempt this peace, but can be rebuffed, rejected, or disappointed. Even if peace is kindled, it often does not last.

Yet the passage says, “On earth, peace to men.” The peace is offered by God (through His Son) to people. The offering of peace is vertical.

Peace to men (from God) requires only acceptance on your part. Peace is offered freely. For the one who receives the baby in the manger as God’s Son and Savior, God makes it possible for that person to be at peace with God while on earth … no matter what his or her circumstances.

“Peace between men” or “peace to men”? This difference is powerful. True peace on earth is one-sided. Thankfully.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the peace You offer through the gift of Your Son. Allow me the opportunity to share that peace to a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals for the Advent Season

Advent Week 1: Why A Pregnant Woman Can Have Hope

Advent Week 2: How a Pregnant Woman Can Experience Love

Advent Week 3: You May Not Be an Angel, But You Can Be a Messenger

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Advent: You May Not Be an Angel, But You Can Be a Messenger

For You From The Word

The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy.” (Luke 2:10, NIV)

For You To Think About

sharing a message of joy with 2 friendsAdvent, meaning “coming” or “appearance,” is the season leading up to Christmas. It’s a time when we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ and look forward to His reappearance. In many Christian traditions, the third week in Advent focuses on joy.

Joy may be a surprise. Put yourself in the shepherds’ sandals. They were on a hillside prepping for their nightly camp out, when – of all things – an angel shows up and starts talking to them. It was the surprise of their lives.

Joy can happen to anybody. To a shepherd, this turn of events was preposterous. Surely a priest or a Levite would experience a miraculous appearance – not a shepherd, who stood on the lowest social rungs in Jewish culture. Yet angels are God’s messengers, charged with delivering God’s messages to those the Almighty designates. And in this case, the angel’s message was designated for the shepherds.

Joy does not coexist with fear. The angel’s message was two-fold.

  1. Don’t be afraid.
  2. This news can give you joy.

A woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy, like the shepherds, faces an unexpected surprise. To be just anybody and then singled out with a special message appears absurd. But God’s message is this: Don’t be afraid. This news can bring you joy.

Who will share that message with them? You may not be an angel. But you can be God’s messenger and share these truths.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your message to us: we are not to be afraid. You have a gift of joy for us in Jesus. Give me the opportunity to share that message of joy with a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Advent Devotionals for Pregnant Women

She Had 3 Reasons to Say No to Life – But Said Yes

How One Woman Responded to an Unplanned Pregnancy

What To Do When Pregnancy Is a Surprise


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Mary’s First Response Eclipsed By What She Did Next

For You From The Word

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words. (Luke 1:28-29)

For You To Think About

woman's hand silhouetted at waterside at sunsetIt can be easy to think that Bible characters had it all together. But if you take time to read carefully, it becomes clear that these people were truly human.

Take Mary, for instance – a teenage Jewish girl from a poor, backward village. God chose her to be the mother of our Lord.

Scripture gives us insight into Mary’s first response when an angel appeared to her to explain the news: “Mary was greatly troubled” (Luke 1:29).

The verb troubled translates as “to be wholly disturbed, agitated, alarmed.” Mary struggled with the news of her pregnancy. Uncertainty and confusion reigned – at least initially.

Yet she did not remain that way. Mary chose not to stay in that place of turmoil. Instead, she asked questions. She prayed. And soon, she made a decision to handle her pregnancy in a way that honored God.

Like Bible characters of old, we’re human. A woman who discovers she is pregnant, thought she did not plan to be, may understandably react with alarm and confusion.

But will she remain that way? It’s at that point that God can do a powerful work in her life. If she is willing, God can help her make decisions that honor Him … and give her what she needs to move forward.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Work in the hearts of women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Help them to make decisions that honor You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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What To Do When Pregnancy Is a Surprise

For You From The Word

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.”
(Luke 1:38)

For You To Think About

pregnant woman in windowMary was surprised when she discovered she was to bear the Christ Child. Yet right away she took some productive first steps.

Share these with women you know who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Mary asked questions. She found out as much as she could from the one who delivered her news (Luke 1:34-37).
Mary accepted the pregnancy. Her condition was not only a shock, but in ancient Israel would render her as a social outcast and could have led to her stoning. Nevertheless, Mary received the word of her pregnancy with grace and resolved to move forward (Luke 1:38).
Mary sought out support. Cousin Elizabeth could provide understanding and encouragement, which Mary knew she needed. Mary took the initiative to connect with Elizabeth and spend considerable time with her (Luke 1:39-45).

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help pregnant women accept their pregnancies and reach out for support.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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