How One Community Rallied Around a Pregnant Woman

For You From The Word

You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted;
you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,
defending the fatherless and the oppressed.
(Psalm 10:17-18)

For You To Think About

hispanic girl Kiara GarciaAt age 14, Kiara Garcia lost her first child to SIDS (Suddent Infant Death Syndrome). Now she is raising her second child while fighting the clock to finish her high school diploma before she turns 21 and is booted out of the system. Both pregnancies were unplanned.

Kiara was recently featured as Duke University’s Durham Student of the Week in The Herald-Sun (Durham, NC). “I want to give a good example to my daughter to let her know that after all of the struggles that I have gone through, I’m doing this for her and me,” Kiara said. “I’m doing this so that she can have a better life. I want her to see that I did it, and that she can do it, too.” Kiara will attend Durham (NC) Technical Community College after her graduation in June and study to become a medical translator.

The community (as well as Kiara’s boyfriend, the birth father, and her mother) have rallied around Kiara to encourage her, support her, and help her reach her goal.

“By saying as a community that we are not here to judge, we are doing Garcia the best service and send the best message,” said The Herald-Sun’s editor. “By telling her we admire her for not taking the easier short-term road and dropping out of school, we reinforce all that she is working so hard for now.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Move in community members to support pregnant women and young parents in the cause of life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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October Baby Film Mirrors Actress’s Life

For You From The Word

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)

For You To Think About

Shari Rigby

Shari Rigby

The film October Baby (Provident Films, 2011) portrays the story of an abortion survivor’s journey into forgiveness.

But for actress Shari Rigby, who plays the girl’s birth mother, it is the story of her life.

“You can hide a secret a long time. I had an abortion,” says Shari. “It’s something that has been holding me captive for 20 years of my life.” Filmmakers did not know that she had undergone an abortion in real life when they offered her the part.

In one of the film’s most gripping scenes, abortion survivor Rachel leaves a note for her birth mother which simply says, I forgive you.

“As a believer I know have been forgiven,” said Shari. “But to see it written like that … God met me there and gave me the most beautiful gift.” Both Shari’s character – and Shari herself – experienced healing over the course of the film.

October Baby has opened the door for viewers to experience the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. For Shari, the film went even deeper.

“It was my story – a story that I have finally been able to share with other people,” says Shari. “I have been ransomed.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Move in hearts of abortion-minded women and men to choose life.
Let them know every life is precious to You – and You will give them the strength they need to move forward.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

More Life Story Celebrations

American Idol Contestant Shares Her Pregnancy Story

Superstar Tenor Shares His Story to Encourage Mothers-To-Be

Star Trek Captain Shares Her Story as a Birth Mom

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Jesus Doesn’t Judge Those Struggling to Choose Life

For You From The Word

The whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen …
But the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the leaders among the people were trying to kill him.
(Luke 19:37, 47)

For You To Think About

crowdWhen Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday there was a great celebration. But also present were people in the faith community who did not like Jesus one bit.

These Jewish leaders were angry and threatened by Him. Jesus influenced people to make a choice outside the norm. He challenged people to live out their faith, rather than simply follow a set of “religious rules” – the leaders’ prescribed way of doing things. In fact, while crowds cheered for Jesus, these leaders plotted a way to get rid of Him.

Today, when those who face an unplanned pregnancy are considering life, they too live outside the norm.

There are some who would like to silence their voices and the voices of their children, either in rejecting them, endorsing “choice,” or by simply ignoring the debate. Yet others stand with these struggling parents-to-be, actively encourage them, and cheer them on to make a choice for life. Jesus doesn’t judge them. He honors the wrestling they undergo to make the right choice.

Both sides were present on Palm Sunday. Both sides are present today. On which side are you?

For You To Pray

Lord of mercy,
Move Your people to not only stand for life but also stand with those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Touch hearts to live out this conviction with action.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More Prayers for Life

Save Now! God Honors the Prayers of Children

How Jesus Honored Women Who Praised Him

Jesus Doesn’t Judge


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Pregnant Women Fear Capacity to Raise a Child on Their Own

For You From The Word

Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you. (Psalm 25:20)

For You To Think About

women in high heels

94% pregnant Irish women choose to give birth. Just 6% opt for abortion. But for these desperate women, the emotional expense in deciding against life carries extra financial burdens with it.

Abortion is illegal in Ireland and Northern Ireland, but legal in England. Every year, a secret trail leads 5,000 isolated, ashamed women to travel from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to have abortions in England. The Irish 1861 Offences Against The Person Act gave the unborn an explicit right to life from conception.

“A woman could easily become fearful about her capacity to raise her child on her own,” says David Logan of Ireland’s Life News . “Some women might be tempted to think that their difficulties would be resolved by having an abortion.”

Even advocates for choice describe the overwhelming levels of shame and isolation experienced by Irish women who face an unplanned pregnancy. “There is an inability to talk about it,” says Mara Clark, founder and director of the UK’s Abortion Support Network. “They lie to friends, families and work… they have kept it bottled up.”

Thousands of lives might be saved if Irish women had a Friend during an unplanned pregnancy – someone to provide a listening ear and support.

For You To Pray

Lord of compassion,
Raise up Friends to provide support for Irish women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Help shut down this secret trail of lost lives … and lead these women to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Long-Distance Pregnancy Support

Birthmothers’ one-on-one pregnancy support can be long-distance!

woman sending a textToday’s technology allows Birthmothers Friends to provide support by phone, email, texts, Facebook – even Skype.

In many cases, Friends and their matched women live hundreds of miles apart.

Birthmothers Friends have served women who live …

  • An hour away
  • In the next state
  • Across the country
  • On another continent

How a long-distance Birthmothers Friend can help

Support takes many forms. Even though a Birthmothers Friend may not live near a pregnant woman, she can still support her during pregnancy.

  • Friends listen as a woman sorts out her feelings and options
  • Friends provide information so the woman can make the best decision for herself and her baby
  • Friends connect her with practical assistance in her area like prenatal care, housing resources, legal aid
  • Friends encourage her
  • Friends pray with her

Here’s how a long-distance Friend partnership works:

  • A woman (or partner or family member) calls our 24/7 helpline (toll-free at 1-844-772-4784), and speaks with a caring Birthmothers call counselor.
  • The caller shares confidentially as much or as little as she chooses. The call counselor explains how the caller can be matched one-on-one with a Birthmothers Friend, no matter where the caller lives.
  • The caller can decide to be matched long-distance with a Friend. The Friend will initiate contact within 24-48 hours.
  • The caller chooses  how she wishes the long-distance relationship to proceed, whether by phone, email, texting, Skype, or a combination.

We’re here for you

If you or someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy, contact us – no matter where you may live.

A Friend loves at all times … and in all places.

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WAVA Interview

Listen to Birthmothers President Jim Wright be interviewed with Jeff Arnette on WAVA radio (105.1 FM Arlington/Washington) about Birthmothers ministry and leadership.

Part 1



Part 2




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What Kinds of People Become Birthmothers Friends?

For You From The Word

There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
(Proverbs 18:24)

For You To Think About

FriendsA Birthmothers Friend is a caring, trained volunteer who is matched one-on-one with you, your partner or family member during an unplanned pregnancy. A Friend listens and provides confidential, nonjudgmental practical assistance, emotional support and spiritual encouragement as long as you need or choose.

Friends come from all walks of life. They undergo special training in order to work with you.

Many Birthmothers Friends have faced an unplanned pregnancy themselves or are single parents, birth moms, birth dads, adoptive parents, adoptees, or have struggled with infertility. Some have experienced abortion.

They know that this is a time when you need more than just a “fair weather” friend — you need someone who’ll stick with you.

They also know you don’t need someone to tell you what to do. What you need most is a listening ear.

Birthmothers Friends get involved in this ministry because they are called to do so.

They are often surprised at the inner healing and growth they personally experience from their service. “What most Friend volunteers come to realize,” said one long-time Friend, “Is that they receive so much more from being a Friend than what they say they give.”

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Raise up caring volunteers to serve as Birthmothers Friends with those who face an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

More About Acceptance and Friends

Acceptance: Do You Judge By Appearances?

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Pray With Us

Birthmothers’ most urgent need is prayer.

Man praying in the grassy fieldWe seek prayer partners who are committed to praying for our nation to turn back to God’s truth, the cause of life, and for those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Please join us as we pray for life!

Here’s what you can do.

3 ways to get started praying for life and the unborn

  1. Join Birthmothers for its weekly prayer time:  (get details.) Please also share your prayer requests prior to each week’s prayer call by email and we will lift them up during this weekly prayer time.
  2. Subscribe to Friends4Life – free, weekly prayer devotionals for those who care about women, families, and the unborn
  3. Use the prayer helps below as you intercede by yourself or with prayer partners – wherever you are

Prayer Helps

Use these prayer helps on your own or with a group as together we intercede for the unborn in our nation.

Praise to the Creator

  • God is the Author of life. (Acts 3:15)
  • God gave life to you and to those you know. (Deuteronomy 32:6)
  • God is our Creator. (Genesis 1:1)

Pray for our nation

  • Confession for our nation’s casual and callous view of life. (1 John 1:9)
  • For God to make abortion rare and to move pregnant women’s hearts to choose life. (Isaiah 42:16)
  • For God’s truth to stand against godless forces in our nation. (John 17:17)

Pray for those who face an unplanned pregnancy

  • That Jesus would help her (and her partner) to understand His incredible love for them and their child (1 John 3:1).
  • For God to touch hearts of those who face an unplanned pregnancy (Proverbs 21:1).
  • For God to stand against fear on the pregnant woman’s (and her partner’s) heart (2 Timothy 1:7).
  • For God to open the pregnant woman’s (and her partner’s) ears to His voice (Jeremiah 9:20).
  • For God to raise up those who will walk with a pregnant woman or her partner, offering unconditional love and support (Proverbs 17:17).
  • For the Holy Spirit – not the Enemy or self – to direct the woman’s thoughts (John 16:13).

Pray for the cause of life

  • For no weapon to be formed against those who work in the cause of life (Isaiah 54:17).
  • For God to raise up godly leaders in the fight for the unborn (1 Peter 5:1-3).
  • Seek God’s leading for your next step in the battle for life. (Psalm 37:7).


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Pregnant? Know Someone Who Is?


Pregnant? Know someone who is?

Please encourage pregnant women, their partners and their families who face an unplanned pregnancy to call us (1-877-77BIRTH) or visit .  We’ll be a Friend — no questions.


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A Friend Loves Long-Distance, Too


A Friend Loves Long-Distance, Too

One-on-one pregnancy support can be long-distance! Today’s technology allows Birthmothers Friends to provide support by phone, email, and texts. In many cases, Friends and their matched women lives hundreds of miles apart. If you or someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy, contact us .


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