Courage Is a Choice

For You From The Word

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.
(1 Chronicles 28:20)

For You To Think About

woman choosing courageMary, a teenage mother-to-be, courageously chose to bear her child in spite of potential cultural rejection. Joseph valiantly assumed the role of adoptive father. Together, they bravely relocated to a foreign country to protect their child. While these decisions may not have been their heart’s desire, these two parents chose to act with courage.

An unplanned pregnancy reveals a person’s courage – the ability to face the challenge without being overcome by fear, inaction, or turning away.

But courage is not innate. Rather, it is a choice. At least 30 times in scripture we are told to “be courageous,” “take courage,” “act with courage,” or “keep your courage.”

The world is a more inspiring place because of people like Mary and Joseph who, despite these seemingly impossible challenges, choose to be courageous. They embrace hardship, confusion, pain, or the unknown in order to face the challenge.

If you or someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy, you also face this choice: how courageous will you be?

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
You allow us to choose courage. Give us the strength to follow through. Today, speak to those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Move in them to make courageous choices.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Mom and Dad, Did You Know …?

For You From The Word

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

For You To Think About

baby holding fingerIn 1984, songwriter Mark Lowry was asked to create a script for a Christmas play. The result was a set of questions posed to Mary, later set to music by Buddy Greene in the popular Christmas tune, Mary, Did You Know? and today recorded by more than 30 artists:

Did you know your baby boy would someday walk on water?
Did you know your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know your baby boy would give sight to the blind?
Did you know your baby boy would calm the storm with his hand?
Did you know your baby boy would one day rule the nations?

There is no question that Mary’s baby was incredibly unique. He is Jesus, the Son of God. But how could Mary have known, as she carried Jesus and gave birth, all that He would do?

Women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy cannot know what plans God has for that child.

Every life created by God deserves to live and carry out the destiny God has for him – one you cannot know as you carry him and give birth.

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
We cannot know the plans You have for each child. But we ask that You move in women and men to choose life so those plans can be realized.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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How She Affirmed Mary

For You From The Word

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! (Luke 1:45)

For You To Think About

praying in the rainWhen Mary discovered she was pregnant, she immediately decided to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who was also unexpectedly expecting. Elizabeth proved to be a loving Friend to Mary.

  • Elizabeth affirmed Mary. In a culture where pregnancy out of wedlock was condemned, Elizabeth provided unwavering support to her cousin. It’s a poignant example you can follow as you encourage someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Elizabeth affirmed Mary’s pregnancy. A deep woman of faith, Elizabeth acknowledged that God had chosen her cousin to give birth to the Messiah. ”Blessed is the child you will bear,” she said to Mary (Luke 1:42)
  • Elizabeth affirmed Mary’s presence. In the days and weeks to come, Mary would prove to be a tremendous support to Elizabeth. But for now, Elizabeth embraced her cousin with joy. “Why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43)
  • Elizabeth affirmed Mary’s faith. “Blessed is she who has believed,” she told Mary, “that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” (Luke 1:45)

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
Thank You for the unwavering support that Elizabeth provided for Mary. Point me to a woman or a man who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Let me affirm this person with love and acceptance.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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What Did An Unplanned Pregnancy Cost Him?

For You From The Word

Joseph did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. (Matthew 1:24)

For You To Think About

Closed up shot of praying hands isolated in a white backgroundWomen who face an unplanned pregnancy are not the only ones who are isolated and ridiculed.

Joseph was engaged to Mary. She became pregnant. Yet Joseph still took Mary as his wife and raised Jesus as his birth son. What might that have cost him?

  • Judgment. A pregnancy and a baby are both difficult to hide.
  • Public rejection. In the small, tight Jewish community, Joseph could have easily swallowed his humiliation and spread the word of Mary’s “infidelity.” By aligning himself with Mary and standing by her, Joseph risked his reputation.
  • Potential loss. In Bible times, women who became pregnant outside of wedlock were stoned.

To his peers, Joseph would be the object of scorn and whispers. But to the world, Joseph became a humble hero … and a role model for men throughout the generations.

Personal cost to Joseph? Yes. But we cannot imagine the benefits of his obedience to generations.

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
Thank You for Joseph’s faithfulness. Work in the hearts of expectant fathers. Move them to support their partners during an unplanned pregnancy and become trustworthy fathers.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Insight for Men

Christmas Choices, Part 3: Joseph’s Choice

Joseph’s First Response and a Second Response: They Were Different


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Aborted Children Can’t Be Adopted

For You From The Word

Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. (Ephesians 5:15-16)

For You To Think About

baby and dadAccording to The Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on sexual and reproductive health, there were 1.21 million abortions in 2008 (the most recent year for which documented statistics are available.)

Meanwhile, an estimated 10 million American couples would attempt to adopt a child domestically if they felt they had a realistic opportunity to do so.

In other words … where families could be built, lives are snuffed out instead.

Aborted children can’t be adopted. American babies who may be lost to abortion can be born, placed in loving, adoptive homes, and go on to lead productive lives of significance.

An abortion-minded pregnant woman stands on the cusp of an opportunity. You can help encourage her to make the most of that chance to choose life and build families.

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
Speak to the hearts of abortion-minded pregnant women. Preserve the lives of these children. Where appropriate, allow birth mothers to consider the adoption option.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Help the Abortion-Minded Woman

October Baby Film Mirrors Actress’s Life

This Abortion Survivor Does More Than Survive

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Steve Jobs: How One Woman’s Decision Changes the World

For You From The Word

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

For You To Think About

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Joann Schieble was a young, unmarried college student when she discovered that she was pregnant. It was 1954. Single parenting was not viewed kindly. Abortion was both dangerous and illegal. Joann was not ready to get married.

Instead, Joann chose to give birth and place the baby boy for adoption. She stipulated that the child be raised by a college-educated couple. The first family selected turned down the placement, as they wanted to adopt a girl.

A couple named Paul and Clara adopted the baby boy. Ironically, neither parent had a college degree.

Their adopted baby boy, Steve Jobs (1955-2011), became the founder of Apple Computers.

The world is a different place today because of Steve Jobs. We have Macs and iPhones and iPads and iPods.

But the world is also a different place today every time a woman chooses life. Her baby lives. That life impacts those around him.

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
Move in the hearts of pregnant women. Help them to understand that their baby’s life is precious and that in choosing life, they are changing the world.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Volunteer Friends Experience Healing While Helping

For You From The Word

See, I am doing a new thing! (Isaiah 43:19)

For You To Think About

hands in grassOne-quarter of American adults have volunteered some of their free time to help a nonprofit.

When asked, volunteers offer several reasons for giving their time to a cause: they want to make a positive difference, try new things, meet people, share their knowledge and experiences, and feel needed.

At Birthmothers, God works through volunteers in another powerful way. Being a Friend transforms volunteers and heals past hurts they’ve experienced while they help someone else. Many volunteer Friends have themselves experienced an unplanned pregnancy, abortion, infertility, or adoption. In training to become a Friend and in walking with a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy they find closure and peace. “I am learning to forgive myself,” one volunteer Friend said at a recent training session.

Rather than being merely transactional (providing services to those facing an unplanned pregnancy), being a volunteer Friend is transformational for both the volunteer and the one served.

Those serving as a Friend, as well as those who faced an unplanned pregnancy, find new life and hope, too.

For You To Pray

Lord of Life,
Work in the hearts and minds of volunteer Friends to find healing as they serve women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Unplanned Pregnancy Rates are Unrelenting

For You From The Word

Be openhanded toward your brothers
and toward the poor and needy in your land. (Deuteronomy 15:11)

For You To Think About

unplanned pregnancy rates remain constant and unrelenting

A new study released reveals that the number of unplanned pregnancy rates in the U.S. has remained constant – not declined – despite increased education and accessibility to contraception.

Further, unplanned pregnancies in poor women rose an astronomical 50% between 1994 and 2006.

“Since 2001, the United States has not made progress in reducing unintended pregnancy,” concluded study authors Lawrence B. Finer and Mia R. Zolna of the Guttmacher Institute.

Statistics don’t lie. Now, more than ever, these large numbers of women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy need support as they make life and death choices.

For You To Pray

Lord God,
Open our eyes. Let Your people see that large numbers of women and men continue to face an unplanned pregnancy and need our loving support. Move us to respond with our time, talent, and treasure.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Unplanned Pregnancy

Quiz: What Do You Know About Unplanned Pregnancy Today?

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Informed Consent Helps Women Choose Life

For You From The Word

Guide me in your truth and teach me.
(Psalm 25:5)

For You To Think About

woman thinkingShockingly, self-described “pro-choice” and “pro-life” Americans have one specific area of common ground. Both favor of requiring informed consent for women who are considering an abortion (86% of pro-choice adults and 87% who are pro-life).

“Informed Consent” laws, also called “Right to Know” laws, vary from state. They stipulate that providers have a legal obligation to offer women information prior to a procedure – information like:

  • Abortion alternatives. Many women are not aware of the many options they can consider.
  • Available public and private assistance. Numerous agencies and private organizations (including Birthmothers ) offer financial, personal, and practical help.
  • The procedure’s medical facts. Many women aren’t aware of the physical and emotional risks that accompany abortion.

As abortion-minded women get informed, many choose life. For instance, eight out of ten pregnancy care centers report that abortion-minded women decide to keep their babies after seeing ultrasound images. So while both sides of the life debate believe strongly in informed consent, our Right to Know laws overwhelmingly help women choose life.

For You To Pray

Lord God,
Help abortion-minded women understand that they have a right to know the facts. Speak to them through the information they receive. Let them make an informed decision for life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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Fall 2011 appeal

De2011-brunch-jim-and_cindy.jpgar valued friend of Birthmothers, 

As you may have heard, we have been in urgent need of your immediate prayers and help to meet ministry obligations.

Many of you have come forward and given generously. Thank you! Because of you, we have almost reached our goal.

If you haven’t yet given, please do so now. We are so close!

Plus, our deadline has been pushed back a few days due to local storms and flooding.

I can’t tell you how encouraging it is that donors have responded. Thank you for standing strongly for the cause of life.

Now, I’m especially reaching out to those of you who have walked with me and with Birthmothers over the years. Will you consider a $250-$500 gift as soon as possible if you’ve not already given? (Give online safely and securely here.)

My fiancee Cindy  and I (wedding scheduled for November 12) are committed long-term to God’s call to women and  men who need Jesus as they struggle with an unplanned pregnancy. But the immediate cash flow need is real. Your gift of any amount will be significant as we continue to serve these hurting women and families.

As God  prompts, I will personally call some of you. Thank you so much for your ministry of giving, which makes all the difference between LIFE and DEATH.

Serving with you,


Jim Wright, Founder, President, & Volunteer

P.S. Your giving is safe and secure on our website. And as always, your gift is tax-deductible. Please give right now as you’re thinking about it. Thank you.

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