To Encourage Means To Fill With Courage

For You From The Word

Let us not give up meeting together … 
let us encourage one another. 
(Hebrews 10:25)

For You To Think About

encouragementIn the New Testament, the word “encourage” has several different meanings (depending on which word was used in the original Greek).

One of the most significant is parakaleo (as used in Hebrews 10:25), which is translated as:

  • To call near
  • To invite
  • To comfort

Think of it this way: when you encourage a woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy, you can:

  • Call her near to the love of God
  • Invite her to know Christ
  • Offer comfort from Christ’s unconditional acceptance

Hebrews 10:25 tells us to encourage one another. In other words, your encouragement can fill a woman with courage to walk with God.

For You To Pray

Lord God,
Show me how to encourage someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Give me words to call her near to You, invite her to know Christ, and experience His comfort.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Encouragement

How to Find Resources That Encourage Women and Men to Choose Life

Encouragement: How 83% More Women Could Choose Life

10 Ways to Encourage Birth Moms

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Hope Is Born In Rape Aftermath

For You From The Word

Hope does not disappoint us.
(Romans 5:5)

For You To Think About

Baby HopeOlivia was raped. Afterwards, nightmares and depression led her to attempt suicide. It was at the hospital after testing that Olivia discovered she was pregnant.

Olivia was torn by fears. If she parented, would she neglect a child conceived in rape? She was struggling financially, too, and wanted to provide for the baby rather than putting an innocent child through turmoil. She decided to place the child for adoption.

Putting the child’s needs first gave her hope. “The more she grew, the deeper my love for her grew,” said Olivia. “I knew then that I was making the right decision. I was giving her hope for a better future and a better life.” Olivia had further confirmation. The soon-to-be adoptive parents showed Olivia that they not only cared for the baby but they also cared for her and her 4-year-old daughter.

Olivia named the baby Hope for two reasons. “One, I was giving her the hope of having a wonderful life with two wonderful parents,” said Oliv1a. “Two, I named her Hope because I am giving two wonderful people the chance to parent this wonderful child.”

Olivia arranged for an open adoption. Today, she and her 4-year-old continue to see Hope often.

For You To Pray

Merciful Father,
Shower Your mercy and healing on rape victims. Shine Your hope into their darkness and show them Your loving-kindness.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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Flow Chart: How Birthmothers Works

When Birthmothers first receives a call for help to the ministry office …

  • We partner with our local churches and agencies to provide support to women who call us.
  • Each woman who requests one-on-one support is matched with a Birthmothers Friend.
  • The woman is equipped to make an informed decision.

Download and print your own copy of this Flow Chart.




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What Jesus Longs to Say to Pregnant Women

Volume 5, Number20 AUGUST 2, 2011


For You From The Word

cross-w-fish.jpgJesus said to the woman,
“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
(Luke 7:50)

For You To Think About

All four gospels tell the story of a sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, wiped His feet with her hair, and anointed His feet with expensive perfume.

Jesus knew that othehands-in-running-water.jpgrs whispered about the way He allowed this woman to honor Him.

He did not deny her past. Instead, He acknowledged that the woman’s present actions revealed her love for Jesus and her faith in Him. Jesus used that moment to teach how the condition of the heart saves or condemns us … not what we’ve done.  Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”

Anyone who faces an unplanned pregnancy can put their faith in Jesus’ unconditional acceptance and hear those same words: “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”

For You To Pray

beachworship.jpgMerciful Father,
So many women who face an unplanned pregnancy experience self-recrimination and condemnation. Reveal Your unconditional love to them. Help them experience Your acceptance and go in peace.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.



This Week’s
Prayer Focus

Pregnant women and condemnation

Did You Know?

Every day, 8,598 American women discover they are pregnant
but did not plan to be. (Learn more Fast Facts about pregnancy.)



tax-deductible gift helps us connect those who face an unplanned pregnancy with
a Friend and share Christ. Donate here.


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© 2011 Birthmother Ministries, Inc.
Birthmothers® A Friend Loves At All Times™

Our mission: we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by offering unconditional, one-on-one support and life-affirming, adoption-informing resources to any woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

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Please encourage pregnant women, their partners and their families to visit for support and information.

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Risks in an Unplanned Pregnancy

For You From The Word

This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Administer true justice; show mercy and
compassion to one another.”
(Zechariah 7:9)

For You To Think About

women who face an unplanned pregnancy also face significant risksThe risk most often associated with an unplanned pregnancy is the loss of the baby’s life through abortion.

But a fact sheet released by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (based on findings from Child Trends), reveals additional risks, including:

  • Relationship instability. Five years after an unplanned pregnancy, 46% mothers had relationship changes as compared with 21% mothers whose pregnancies were planned.
  • Poor prenatal care. Women who face an unplanned pregnancy often received delayed or non-existent prenatal care.
  • Birth outcomes. Preterm delivery and low birth weight rates are higher in unplanned than planned pregnancies.
  • Child development risks. Children born as a result of an unplanned pregnancy are more at risk for lower cognitive test scores and poorer physical and mental health.

One-on-one support during pregnancy can’t take away risks. But it can lead to different outcomes in relationships, health care, and postpartum care. Support means a greater opportunity for a pregnant woman to manage her risks in healthier ways.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Women who face an unplanned pregnancy are exposed to significant risks. Help these women to get connected to a Birthmothers Friend or a special person during pregnancy so they can have support for healthier outcomes.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Unplanned Pregnancy

Quiz: What Do You know About Unplanned Pregnancy Today?

Unplanned Pregnancy Rates are Unrelenting

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An Unborn Baby’s Milestones

For You From The Word

Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.
(Psalm 111:2)

double ultrasoundFor You To Think About

  • At 18 days after conception, an unborn baby’s heart is forming, and the eyes start to develop.
  • At 21 days after conception, the heart pumps blood throughout the body.
  • At 6 weeks after conception, a baby’s brain waves can be recorded
  • At 6 weeks after conception, the baby’s skeleton is complete.
  • At 8 weeks after conception, a baby can begin to hear.

The more you take time to consider an unborn baby’s developmental milestones, the more it inspires wonder. It is easy to see why pregnancy, an unborn child, and a new baby are all called “a miracle.”

For You To Pray

Creator God,
As I stop and think about the miracle of life, I am overwhelmed by Your power, Your creative abilities, and Your might. Great are Your works!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Quiz: Unplanned Pregnancy Today

For You From The Word

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God,
who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt.
(James 1:5-6)

For You To Think About

quiz about unplanned pregnancy

Most Americans surveyed will likely get these two quiz questions wrong. How will you do?

Since the 1990s the rate of teen pregnancy in the United States has:
A. declined by about a third
B. stayed about the same
C. increased by a third

The group with the highest number of unplanned pregnancies in the United States is:
A. women in their twenties
B. teenagers
C. women in their thirties

According to the Hewlett Foundation and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, both answers are “A.”

The rate of teen pregnancy has dropped by a third. At the same time, the group with the highest number of unplanned pregnancies in the United States today – more than half – is in twenty-something women who have delayed marriage, financial independence, and moving away from home. Now, they face responsibilities and life-and-death choices.

More than ever, they need the support of a nonjudgmental, caring Friend while they make decisions for themselves, their babies, and their futures.

For You To Pray

Merciful God,
More than half of those who face an unplanned pregnancy are in their twenties. Help them to make wise choices. Fill them with Your insight and the mind of Christ.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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12th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch Photos

2011 Brunch Honors Those in the Adoption Triad 

Birthmothers honored adoptees, adoptive families, and women who have lovingly placed their children in the embrace of an adoptive family at its 12th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch on Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 10 AM to 12 noon in Nicolson Hall, The Falls Church, Falls Church, VA.

The Birth Mothers Day Brunch is a tangible way we can honor those in the adoption triad, and we work hard to make the day a meaningful tribute to their sacrifice.

































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The Longest Day for Pregnant Women

For You From The Word

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

For You To Think About

clouds and beamsIn the Northern Hemisphere, June 21 is the longest day of the year. It’s the day with the highest number of daylight minutes and the shortest length of night.

It’s called the summer solstice, from a combination of Latin words meaning “sun” and “to stand still.”

But for some women, no matter what the calendar says, the sun stands still when they discover they are pregnant but did not plan to be.

Suddenly, their lives change. Decisions need to be made. The day seems to go on forever.

No matter when a woman faces the longest day of her life, there is One Person who is with her throughout.

Jesus Christ has lived an unlimited number of forever days. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He alone can take her through long days to a new light.

For You To Pray

Merciful God,
Let Your presence be known to women as they discover they are pregnant but did not plan to be. Speak Your truth to their hearts. Help them see the dawn of a new day in You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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11th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch: Birth Moms Share Their Stories

Birthmothers pays tribute to the courageous women who have placed their children in the loving arms of an adoptive family. Birth moms share their testimonies at the 11th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch.



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