Birthmothers Celebrates Its Unique Ministry of Unconditional Love

Eighteen years ago, Jim Wright witnessed the struggles of a 14-year-old high school freshman as she courageously faced an unplanned pregnancy. The young woman battled to carry her child to term, even without support from family or friends.

A few months later, she gave birth to a son. Jim and his wife Tami adopted him.

“The birth mom’s struggle was pivotal in the genesis of Birthmothers,” says Jim.

Comedian Mike Williams

Comedian Mike Williams

Jim’s vision – to provide women relational support during an unplanned pregnancy – is now an organization that matches women one-on-one with a Friend. Since Birthmothers’ inception, hundreds of women have been matched with a Birthmothers Friend for personal support that Jim noticed was missing in his son’s birth mom’s life. An underlying goal, says Jim, is to siphon off the need for abortion services by flooding the marketplace with unconditional love.

On Thursday, October 14, Birthmothers will celebrate its unique ministry to pregnant women at its annual banquest, An Evening to Remember, beginning at 6:30 PM at the Sheraton Premiere Tysons Corner in Vienna, VA. (RSVP here.)

Birthmothers is privileged to partner with Christian comedian Mike Williams – “the funniest man in God’s Kingdom” – along with renowned Christian music artist John Schlitt (former lead singer of Petra) in this special event to extend Birthmothers’ reach to women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Mike and John each have a very personal story to share about the impact of unconditional love.

Raised as a street kid in Chicago, Mike Williams was later adopted by a godly couple who’d prayed 12 years for a child. In 1997, Mike and his wife adopted their own son from a similar background, bringing him full circle in a compelling story as an adoptee and adoptive parent.

John Schlitt was on a fast track to success with a rock band when cocaine and alcohol caught up with him. In a moving story of redemption, John’s wife first accepted Christ and urged him to speak to her pastor. After his conversion, John left behind a life of addiction to become a family man and later, the lead singer in the groundbreaking Christian contemporary group Petra.

“Compassion – not condemnation – is what women crave when in a crisis,” says Jim. He envisions the love of Christ changing the current landscape of options for pregnant women. Birthmothers works to reverse the need for abortion services by offering unconditional support and compassion to pregnant women, along with a healthy dose of grace to those on the prochoice camp.

“We’re not a protest ministry,” says Jim. “We’re a love ministry.” Volunteer Friends give women a very real option during an unplanned pregnancy. They are loved, accepted, and supported, which allows them the encouragement they may need to choose life and adoption where appropriate.

Exactly the kind of encouragement and support that a 14-year-old birth mom desperately needed so many years ago.

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40 Days for Life: Find a Vigil Near You

For You From The Word

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

For You To Think About

40 Days SupportersEach fall, in cities across the U.S. and  other countries, participants will gather for an intensive 40-day campaign of prayer, fasting, and grassroots community outreach for an end to abortion in peaceful vigils outside abortion centers.

The 40 Days for Life campaign brings together the body of Christ. Its purpose is repentance. Participants seek to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life.

Use this map to find a vigil near you. If there is no vigil near you or you cannot participate, please consider praying and fasting throughout the 40 days. Ask God to convict hearts to believe in the sanctity of life.

For You To Pray

Merciful Father,
Move hearts to believe in the sanctity of life. Turn us from a culture of death to a culture of life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Praying for Life

How God Uses 40 Days to Save Lives

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Birthmothers and New Ministry Partner Serve and Support Pregnant Women

Assist Pregnancy Center partners with Birthmothers to provide complementary services, show Christ’s love

Recently, Bianca visited Assist Pregnancy Center (Annandale, VA) for a pregnancy test. When she revealed she was under pressure from family members to abort, staff members encouraged her to have an ultrasound.

woman on cell phone with red nail polish“I knew that this client would need more support from loving people since she didn’t have that from her family and friends,” said Jenny Meredith, Assist’s Director of Client Services. “I had heard about the Birthmothers mentoring program for women facing an unplanned pregnancy and discovered that they were licensed and insured to transport clients, a capability that our pregnancy center does not have at this time.”

That’s when Jenny called Birthmothers. She was excited to discover that the ministry could help bridge the gap with services outside Assist’s walls. Bianca was soon matched with a Birthmothers Friend, who worked with Assist staff to serve Bianca.

A New Relationship Between Like-Minded Partners

Bianca’s case forged a new relationship between the two partners who each provide very different but complementary services for women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

“Not every organization can fill every gap,” says Jenny. “I’m excited that we can partner with Birthmothers to fill in the pieces of the puzzle missing from our ministry.”

Assist provides free pregnancy tests, pregnancy education, childbirth education, and counseling services to women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Client volume and insurance limitations mean their services must be offered within the center.

Birthmothers, on the other hand, provides a Birthmothers Friend for a woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy. In this special relationship, the Friend walks with the woman one-on-one, connecting her to services needed outside the walls of a building.  A Birthmother Friend is also able to build deeper ties with a woman, staying with her long-term. Yet because Birthmothers does not provide clinical services, the ministry regularly connects women to centers like Assist for pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and other professional resources.

A Shared Goal: Sharing Christ

While Assist and Birthmothers each fill special ministry niches, both have a common goal: sharing the love of Jesus Christ with clients.

“The more loving people who can touch a hurting woman’s life, the better,” says Jenny. Birthmothers Friends provide long-term mentoring to these women. That’s huge.” The center intentionally seeks out people who can minister to and support their clients with the gospel message. Birthmothers is the perfect fit, she says.

Bianca’s story is a case in point. Together, an Assist staff member and Bianca’s new Birthmothers Friend worked to provide the pregnant woman with transportation and locate a safe haven for her to live during her pregnancy. Along the way, both Assist staff and the Birthmothers Friend had opportunities to talk with Bianca about Jesus Christ.

That influence, says Jenny, is one of the greatest benefits of the Assist/Birthmothers partnership.

“Because of our new relationship with Birthmothers, we now have more committed women in these girls’ lives to love them and share the gospel.”

Find out how your organization can partner with Birthmothers to serve women who face an unplanned pregnancy when you call (703) 261-6370.

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78% Young Men Agree There’s “Too Much Pressure”

For You From The Word

Encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
In everything set them an example by doing what is good.
(Titus 2:6-7)

For You To Think About

guy friendsA recent survey commissioned by Seventeen magazine in partnership with the non-profit National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy reveals the culture’s vise-like grip on young men’s attitudes about sex and relationships. About 1,200 young men ages 15-22 were asked about –

What’s taught at home?
51% said having sex before marriage is acceptable in their family.

The need for a two-parent family?
64% say “it’s OK for an unmarried female to have a child.”

The Other Side of the Story

But the survey also offered an incredible opportunity for the Christian community to influence this generation of young men. Mentoring and support can make a difference … because young men said they not only sense society’s pressure, but they are craving meaningful relationships:

What are guys hearing from the culture?
78% guys agree there is “way too much pressure” from society to have sex.

Can they wait to have sex?
66% say they could be happy in a serious relationship that didn’t include sex.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Raise up godly men and role models to influence this generation for You. Move in today’s young men to make responsible choices, wait for sex until marriage, and cultivate meaningful relationships.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Support for Young Men

When a Guy Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

How to Support a Man Who Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

Thank You to All the Birth Dads Out There

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Superstar Tenor Tells His Story to Encourage Mothers-To-Be

For You From the Word

I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts. (Colossians 4:8)

For You To Think About

Andrea BotticelliSuperstar tenor Andrea Bocelli (b. 1958), a crossover artist widely regarded as the most popular Italian and classical performer in the world, is also the biggest-selling solo artist in the history of classical music. At the same time, five of his albums have reached the Top 10 of the Billboard 200, placing him squarely in the mainstream of popularity as a pop singer, too.

But Bocelli might never have graced the world with his talent. His mother was treated for appendicitis when she carried him. Doctors advised her to abort. She did not.

“I hope this will encourage many mothers who sometimes find themselves in difficult situations in those moments when life is complicated, but want to save the life of their baby,” said Bocelli, who is blind, in a YouTube video recording telling his story.

“Maybe I’m [biased],” said Bocelli. “But I can say that my mother’s decision was the right choice.”

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Help pregnant women who are in complicated situations to have clear thinking. Provide them with support at that difficult hour. Show me what I can do to help.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Celebrity Stories

Star Trek Captain Shares Her Story as Birth Mom

Country Star Rodney Atkins on Adoption

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Country Music Star Rodney Atkins on Adoption

For You From The Word

Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice. (Psalm 112:5)

For You To Think About

Rodney AtkinsSelflessness. That’s the word best connected to adoption, according to country music artist Rodney Atkins.

“It’s a world of ‘self’ out there,” says Atkins.

“Adoption has to be some form of service where people put another individual before themselves.”

Placing for adoption, when it’s in the best interest of the child, has been called “a most loving act.”
Adopting a child requires an unconditional acceptance of the unknown.

“People really need to be honest and ask themselves, ‘What . . . am I doing to make a difference?’” says Atkins. “Are you living, dying and then gone, or did you do something meaningful with your life?”

Atkins, the 2006 Academy of Music’s Male Artist of the Year, is well-acquainted with the selflessness that adoption requires. He was adopted at the age of three. Today, he is stepfather to his wife’s two biological children.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Help birth parents choose life
and adoption when appropriate.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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At Father’s Day, One Birth Dad’s Story

For You From The Word

As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.
(Psalm 103:13)

For You To Think About

A true story

sad guyWhen Phil’s girlfriend became pregnant, they realized they weren’t ready to be parents. They couldn’t raise a child in the environment they’d dreamed.

Phil decided his most important role was to support his girlfriend in whatever decision she made. Fortunately, she sought his input. Together, they looked at the unplanned pregnancy from every angle. In the end, they decided to make an adoption plan.

“We got little support from one side of the family,” says Phil. It was hard. Nevertheless, Phil and his girlfriend chose an adoptive couple and involved them in pregnancy preparation – mostly to assure themselves that their child would be raised in a loving home by caring parents.

“The most poignant part of the whole nine month journey,” says Phil, “was when I had the honor of going to the waiting room and delivering the news to the adoptive parents that their little boy now had his very own sister.”

Today, Phil and his girlfriend are at peace with their decision. They attend a local birth parents’ support group. Sometimes, Phil says, “We talk about how a family somewhere is happier now because of us, and the new addition we helped to add to their home.”

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Help birth dads support their partners during an unplanned pregnancy. Raise up volunteer men to serve as guy Friends to birth dads like Phil.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Fathers and Birth Dads

Father’s Day: A Grateful Nation Honors Dads

Honor Your Heavenly Father on Father’s Day

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Good News: You Can Help Reduce the Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

For You From The Word

Choose life, so that you and your children may live. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

For You To Think About

Here are annual cause of death statistics for the U.S.:

  • 39% American deaths are from abortion
  • 21% are a result of heart disease
  • 18% are from cancer
  • 22% are due to other causes

2-friends-talking-smilingBut there is good news: you can help reduce the leading cause of death in the U.S.! Studies show that when women have personal support during pregnancy, they overwhelmingly choose life.

Encourage pregnant women to call Birthmothers and to be matched one-on-one with a Birthmothers Friend. Consider becoming a Friend – and making a difference for one very special woman!

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
I know that lives are saved when women have personal support during pregnancy.
Point me to a pregnant woman. Help me encourage her to get one-on-one support during an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More to Help You Be Informed

The #1 Cause of Death in the U.S.

Informed Consent Helps Women Choose Life

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Help Reach Pregnant Women With Need A Friend Cards

Saku discovered she was pregnant just as her husband starting abusing her. She learned about Birthmothers when she picked up a Need A Friend? card at  a Birthmothers Partnering Church. Saku called Birthmothers and was matched with a Friend who helped her find a place of physical safety while her husband received the help he needed.

Need a Friend? cardNeed A Friend? cards are an important tool you can use to help us reach women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Consider sharing the cards with waitresses and cashiers, or leaving them in dressing rooms, laundromats, pay phones, at garage sales and on community bulletin boards – anywhere women may find them. Churches and businesses can display cards in waiting areas.

By giving away cards, you help connect more women to a Birthmothers Friend. You never know when the card you place in a public area or give to another person can help a pregnant woman in crisis – a woman like Saku. The card you share might just save a life.

Need A Friend? cards and display boxes are provided at no cost when you contact Birthmothers.

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