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Your tax-deductible gift helps women have a Friend that loves at all times.TM  Thank you for your compassionate generosity!

As a proud member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Birthmothers is committed to the highest standards fo stewardship.
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Watch Our Videos


View videos that tell the story of Birthmothers!

15th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch

Birthmothers President Jim Wright shares inspiring remarks about the adoption triad during a special celebration for birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees on Birth Mothers Day 2014 .

14th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch

Inspiring remarks by Birthmothers Founder and President Jim Wright from our 2013 Birth Mothers Day Brunch on May 11, 2013 — speaking to the power of one-on-one ministry to women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy and the impact of choosing life and adoption where appropriate.

13th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch

Birthmothers Founder and President offers encouraging, affirming words to those in the adoption triad: birth parents, adoptive parents, and adopteees at the 13th Annual Birth Mother’s Day Brunch on May 12, 2012.

Radio Interview on WAVA

Listen to Birthmothers President Jim Wright be interviewed with Jeff Arnette on WAVA radio (105.1 FM Arlington/Washington) about Birthmothers minstry and leadership.
Part 1


Part 2


A Special Vision for Birthmothers Expansion

Birthmothers President Jim Wright shares his vision for Birthmothers’ national expansion with a $100 million capital raise.

11th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch

Birthmothers pays tribute to the courageous women who have placed their children in the loving arms of an adoptive family. Birth moms share their testimonies at the 11th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch.

10th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch

Remarks at 10th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch honoring women who have placed for adoption. President Jim Wright explains that God not only wants each child to have an earthly family, but also for each of us to accept Jesus’ love and be adopted into God’s family.

How Birthmothers works through churches and volunteers

Church Teams and volunteer Friends: Ryan Dobson, Rev. John Yates of The Falls Church, staff, and volunteer Friends share how Birthmothers trains Friends to walk with pregnant women and builds a ministry infrastructure in churches to serve those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Birthmothers Ministry video

 Ministry Video. Staff and volunteer Friends explain the need that Birthmothers meets: “That one-on-one relationship is what we’re all about.”

Birthmothers: One-on-one ministry makes all the difference

Birthmothers’ one-on-one ministry
Fox Commentator Fred Barnes, VA Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, international speaker Lee Ezell, The Falls Church’s Rev. John Yates and others explain the power of Birthmothers’ one-on-one ministry to women who face unplanned pregnancies.

How to support a woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy as a volunteer Friend

How to support a pregnant woman as a volunteer Birthmothers Friend
Women who face an unplanned pregnancy receive personal support, adoption information, resources, and help from trained Birthmothers Friends. Volunteers and churches can get equipped to serve women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Birth Moms and Volunteer Friends

One woman shares the impact of Birthmothers
Lisa faced an unplanned pregnancy, but she was matched one-on-one with Pam for pregnancy support and pregnancy help — which made all the difference.

The Story of Birthmothers

The story of Birthmothers as told at the 2008 annual gala
Ryan Dobson (son of James Dobson) and friends explain how Birthmothers’ powerful one-on-one ministry helps pregnant women choose life.

Testimonies from staff

Birthmother’s Day Brunch 2009
Birthmothers President shares poignant message for those who have placed for adoption and those who face an unplanned pregnancy — every life is valuable.

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Video – One woman shares the impact of Birthmothers

One woman shares the impact of Birthmothers

Lisa faced an unplanned pregnancy, but she was matched one-on-one with Pam for pregnancy support and pregnancy help — which made all the difference.


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Video – Story of Birthmothers from 2008 Gala

The story of Birthmothers as told at the 2008 annual gala

Ryan Dobson (son of James Dobson) and friends explain how Birthmothers’ powerful one-on-one ministry helps pregnant women choose life.


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Video – Birthmother’s Day Brunch

Birthmother’s Day Brunch

Birthmothers President shares poignant message for those who have placed for adoption and those who face an unplanned pregnancy — every life is valuable.



Production by PTG
Associate Producer – Chuck Reich

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Thank you for giving to Birthmothers!

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These donations repeat each selected cycle until you elect to stop them via PayPal.


Your tax-deductible gift helps women have a Friend that loves at all times.TM  Thank you for your compassionate generosity!



As a proud member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Birthmothers is committed to the highest standards fo stewardship.
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Ways You Can Help

There are so many ways you can offer hope and compassion to women, partners, and families who face an unplanned pregnancy.


• become a Birthmothers Friend

• distribute Need A Friend? cards to your friends and to local agencies

introduce Birthmothers to your church or organization

• become a Partnering Church

• start a Church Team

join us in praying for life !

• give a financial gift

• name Birthmother Ministries as your Combined Federal Campaign beneficiary (code 64572)

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Frequently Asked Questions

girl_thinking1.205x307.jpgQ. Is there a fee for Birthmothers’ services? 
A. No. We provide our services to pregnant women, their partners and their families at no cost.

Q. Is Birthmothers a pregnancy care center (PCC) or an adoption agency?
A. No. Birthmothers complements, rather than replaces, the services of PCCs and adoption agencies. We match a woman, partner or family member with a caring Friend who provides one-on-one support. Birthmothers provides the missing link that so many women need – a Friend who connects them to resources, who listens, and who stays in relationship as long as the client chooses.

Q. How is a women, partner, or family member matched with a Friend?
A. When callers contact the Birthmothers helpline (703-261-6370 in metro DC, 970-481-4787 in CO, or toll-free 1-877-77BIRTH from anywhere) they can share as much or as little as they like about their situation. Birthmothers will listen and care. Callers are invited to be matched with a Friend who will provide ongoing compassionate, informed, confidential support.

Q. What does a Friend do?
A. Our Friends’ sole focus is on loving and helping the woman (or family member) by providing personal, relational support and resources she needs. Friends are committed to staying in relationship for as long as the client needs or chooses, loving her unconditionally regardless of decisions she makes about her pregnancy. That’s why our motto is A Friend loves at all times.™

thinking_guy1.263x176.jpgQ. What if a birth mom wants an abortion … or has had one?
A. We don’t support abortion for biblical and ethical reasons. We cannot connect women with abortion services. But we will help a woman heal from an abortion. That’s because we believe each human life is unique and valuable. We’re committed to loving women and families with compassion and acceptance, no matter what the circumstances.

Q. What about adoption? 
A. We’ve discovered that most women aren’t aware of the many available adoption options. We present adoption as one avenue for a woman to consider as she makes informed decisions for herself and her child.

Q. Does a woman need to be religious in order to receive your services?
A. No. Birthmothers is a Christian organization, but we serve women and families from many faith traditions. We will not pressure you to embrace our beliefs.

Q. What if a woman is about to give birth or has already given birth – can she still get help?
A. Of course. Birthmothers offers compassionate, supportive care to any woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy, regardless of the circumstances.

Q. How are churches involved with Birthmothers?
A.Birthmothers builds Church Teams in local congregations to serve women and families in need. We equip God’s people to reach out to women who face an unplanned pregnancy, serve and pray for birth moms and birth dads, encourage adoptive families and support local organizations that stand for life.

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