God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 4: Legacy

For You From The Word

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. (2 Timothy 1:5, NIV)

For You To Think About

Pregnant women cannot know the legacy they leave in a child. But God does.

woman praying trustin gin God's promises about her legacy

Timothy is remembered in scripture as Paul’s protégée. Two letters, bearing his name, outlined Paul’s instruction to the younger man about spiritual leadership. Timothy went on to become one of Paul’s key partners in spreading the gospel. Tradition holds that he was the first bishop of Ephesus.

Yet Timothy’s induction into godly ways did not begin with Paul, but rather with a rich heritage of faith handed down to him by his mother and grandmother.

Lois, Timothy’s grandmother, was a devout Jew who instructed the boy in the Old Testament. Timothy’s mother Eunice was also Jewish but became a Christ-follower.

Paul credits Timothy’s “sincere faith” to the legacy handed down from Lois and Eunice.

Today we consider Timothy to be a great man of faith. Yet that faith began with two women who were instrumental in giving him life and teaching him God’s ways.

Mothers and grandmothers continue to imprint their children with faith – in the tradition of Lois and Eunice. Can there be any greater legacy?

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your specific promises to mothers. Allow mothers and grandmothers to understand the tremendous legacy they leave their children in faith. Let these women be strong in You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals that Celebrate Motherhood

God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 3: Provision

God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 2: Attention

God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 1: Protection

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God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 3: Provision

For You From The Word

God opened Hagar’s eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. (Genesis 21:19, NIV)

For You To Think About

Hagar, the Egyptian servant to Sarah, bore a son to Sarah’s husband Abraham.

woman representing mothers who need provision

The boy was to be Abraham’s heir  … until fourteen years later, when Sarah gave birth to Isaac. The tables turned for Hagar. Sarah treated her harshly. The servant and her son were banished to the desert wilderness.

Hagar was convinced that her boy was going to die, thirsty and starving. Yet through her fear and her tears, God showed her a well. He provided water – and more. The boy grew into adulthood and fulfilled God’s plan for him.

Women who face an unplanned pregnancy can be filled with fear. Will a pregnant woman’s practical needs be met? What about the needs of her child? The future seems so uncertain.

“What is the matter, Hagar?” God asked her. “Do not be afraid” (Genesis 21:17).

God provided for Hagar and her son. He promises to provide for mothers and children.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your specific promises to mothers. You tell us over and over to not be afraid. Show pregnant women Your provision. Give them overwhelming trust in You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals that Celebrate Motherhood

God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 2: Attention

God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 1: Protection

What God Says about Respect for Mothers and Motherhood

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God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 2: Attention

For You From The Word

Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? Never! But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! (Isaiah 45:15, NLT)

For You To Think About

In a beautiful word picture, the prophet Isaiah compares our Lord’s mindfulness of His people to the amazing bond between a mother and her newborn.

mom holding baby with crib mobile in front

A mother or mother-to-be is specially tuned into the child she carries. The baby is always with her during pregnancy. She develops an overwhelming sense of nurture for this new life. A mother suffers on the baby’s behalf as she gives birth and then pours herself into the child as she nurses him.

Yet no matter how strong the tie between mother and baby, God offers an amazing promise: His bond to her is greater. The awareness of mother and her baby, though overwhelming, cannot compare with God’s attentiveness to His children.

This precious promise is especially comforting for mothers and mothers-to-be because they can relate to it. A child is never far from a mother’s heart. Yet God promises to be even closer and more attentive than that.

Just as a child may or may not sense his mother’s presence, a mother may or may not sense God with her. Yet He is still mindful of her and aware of her needs. He never forgets about her.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your specific promises to mothers. Your bond to each of them is strong. It is impossible for you to forget mothers. Let them know Your attentive care this day.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals that Celebrate Motherhood

A Special Word for a Mother’s Love

Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

God’s Promises to Mothers: Protection

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God’s Promises to Mothers, Part 1: Protection

For You From The Word

He gently leads those that are with young. (Isaiah 40:11, NLV)

For You To Think About

The prophet Isaiah describes our Lord’s relationship with His people as a shepherd with His sheep. In particular, he singles out mothers.

pregnant woman in need of protection

Therein lay one of God’s special promises to mothers and mothers-to-be: “He gently leads those that are with young” (Isaiah 40:11).

When you’re led by another person, He goes first. A mother can take great comfort in knowing God goes before her to pave the way in her pregnancy and motherhood.

The term as it is used here also implies sustenance. As God gently leads a mother along her parenting journey (whether that journey involves roles as natural mother, birth mother, adoptive mother, or step mother), He promises to guide her, protect her, and carry her … even if times are hard.

A woman carrying child often feels vulnerable. God promises to protect her.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your specific promises to mothers. You will never leave them nor forsake them. Allow mothers and mothers-to-be to know Your protection this day.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals That Celebrate Motherhood

A Special Word for a Mother’s Love

Respect for Mothers and Motherhood

Four Ways a Mother Nurtures Her Child

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How Mothers (of All Kinds) Invite God’s Favor

For You From The Word

Her children stand up and bless her. (Proverbs 31:28, NLT)

For You To Think About

One verse tucked away in Proverbs 31 describes the favor invited by motherhood: “Her children stand up and bless her” (NLT).

Mom and baby holding hands

A child’s physical life is a testimony of their mother’s choice to bring them into the world. They have life.

A child also demonstrates the respect God has for mothers. God values motherhood. The mere presence of a child on earth invites God’s favor.

God’s blessing on mothers is not dependent upon the child. A child may choose to show his mother honor and say, “I appreciate my mother and wish God’s goodness on her” in word or deed … or not.

All mothers, regardless of how their children acknowledge them, incite God’s favor simply in the act of motherhood. A child’s existence invites God’s blessing on a mother, whether a birth mother, natural mother, adoptive mother, step mother, and even spiritual mother.

A mother has made it possible for a child to enter the world and live in it. Her children stand as a testimony to her sacrifice.

A Word to Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for mothers – birth mothers, natural mothers, adoptive mothers, step mothers, and spiritual mothers – who have made it possible for children to have life and have it to the full. Allow them to experience Your favor. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Moms

Honor Your Mother for Choosing Life

Respect for Mothers and Motherhood

A Special Word for a Mother’s Love

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How to Pray for Life

For You From The Word

With one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:6, NIV)

For You To Think About

The National Day of Prayer, held annually on the first Thursday in May, mobilizes Americans to pray for each other and the nation.

men praying

On that day you can focus your prayers on women, children, and families.

You invite God’s movement among those who face an unplanned pregnancy when you pray for His protection and strength, their unborn, and unity in their relationships.

A prayer for protection and strength

Lord, you promise protection for the weak (Psalm 41:1-2). Preserve the lives of those who face an unplanned pregnancy, along with their unborn. Strengthen them physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

A prayer for the unborn

Lord, allow pregnant women to love their unborn children devotedly and unreservedly from conception, through birth, and in their upbringing. Let them honor their unborn (Romans 12:10). Help them care for themselves and be healthy and strong, and in so doing care for their unborn as well.

A prayer for unity

Lord, when a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand (Mark 3:25). Allow a pregnant woman, her partner, and their partners be united in their decision for what is best for the child and the situation. Lead our nation to be unified in a respect for life.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Call our nation to fall before You in prayer. Turn our hearts to You. Let us demonstrate Your heart towards those who face an unplanned pregnancy, giving them support to choose life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Pray for Our Nation to Choose Life

Strength in Numbers: Pray With Others for Life

Prayer Leads to Life-Changing Decision for Abortion Worker

Prayer Helps for You as You Pray for Life

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Two Births

For You From The Word

Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”  (John 3:3, NIV)

For You To Think About

mom and baby in fieldEvery person experiences one birth.

Some experience two: a physical birth and a spiritual birth.

The “two birth” principle is not simple. Even the learned like Nicodemus, a respected Jewish leader who sought Jesus’ counsel in the dark of the night, struggle to understand the fact that birth can be both physical and spiritual.

Your physical birth meant pain and suffering for your mother, yet has given you the opportunity to see, enjoy, and experience the world.

Your spiritual birth meant pain and suffering for Jesus. Yet once you are born again – literally “born from above,” accepting God’s free gift of salvation – then you can see, enjoy, and experience the Kingdom of God.

A woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy may understand the enormity of her responsibility in physical birth. Yet does she understand the significance of her own spiritual birth … and how it can impact her child?

She has the immense opportunity to guide a young life to not just one birth, but two: the first when she brings the child into the world and then later, in pointing the child to Christ.

You can provide practical support during her season of physical birth and spiritual support as she experiences a new birth to a living hope in Jesus.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

I praise you that we can be born anew and experience God’s Kingdom here on earth. Move in the hearts of women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Inspire them to understand the significance of physical and spiritual birth for themselves and for their children. Show me how to provide support during both seasons of birth.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Choosing Life

A Woman’s Choice Endures for Centuries
How One Birth Mom Impacted Thousands of Lives
Say “Thank You” to Women Who Have Chosen Life

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Choosing Life: A Woman’s Choice Endures for Centuries

For You From The Word

She has done a beautiful thing to me …She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial.(Mark 14:6, 8, ESV)

For You To Think About

woman praying

Image: Courtney Luv

A woman’s choice leaves a legacy.

Case in point: Jesus returned to Bethany each evening during Holy Week to stay with friends. One evening, a woman approached Him with a full jar of expensive perfume, broke it, and poured it over Jesus.

It was a single act. Yet others present were frustrated by this display of emotion and seeming waste of resources.

Yet Jesus saw it differently. “She has done what she could,” He said. “She has done a beautiful thing to me” (Mark 14:6, 8).

Translated literally His words mean, “What she was able to do, she did.”

  • Women could not accompany Jesus to the temple to preach and teach to others.
  • Women had responsibilities at home that consumed their attention.
  • Women were unable to prevent Jesus’ capture, trial, and execution, for the Jewish leaders orchestrated that series of events.

Yet this woman made a simple choice to honor Jesus. With one act, she did what she was able to do.

Likewise, today when a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy she may feel limited in her choices.

But one simple act shows honor to Jesus. The act of choosing life. She does what she is able to do.

It’s a choice that endures for generations that follow her.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
You are honored when we make choices that are pleasing to You. I pray you lead women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy to choose life and leave a legacy that endures beyond themselves.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Choosing Life

Choosing Life: This Birth Mom Simply Needed an Advocate

Choosing Life: Yes, EVERY Child Is a Wanted Child

Choosing Life: This Birth Mom Was Abortion-Minded 

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Renewal, Part 3: Tilling – What to Do When Your Heart Gets Hard

For You From The Word

(The) good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. (Matthew 13:23, NIV)

For You To Think About

Third in a series of renewing your passion for the cause of life

tilling the gardenAs spring temperatures thaw the ground, you can see freshly-tilled plots where last year’s brown stalks hovered. Hard, unprepared soil does not produce good garden crops. But well-cultivated, fertilized soil does.

Just as the soil in your garden needs to be cultivated each season, so does your heart as you serve others in the cause of life.

Tilling soil is hard work, whether you use a plow, a hand tiller, or a spade. Not only do you turn the soil, but also haul compost and add other soil amendments to enrich the garden. The additions are worked into the soil and clods are broken in order to prepare the bed and make it as healthy as possible for plants and seeds.

Perhaps over time parts of your heart may have hardened and compacted, especially if you’ve experienced resistance to pro-life values. God’s word can take away your “stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart” (Ezekiel 11:19, NLT).

Or past seasons of service may have drained you. The soil of your heart continues to produce, but with less abundance than before. If so, your heart needs to be fortified with truth from God’s word.

Like tilling the soil, cultivating your heart is hard work – whether you’re turning a hard heart to soft a soft one or adding nutrients to make it deeper and richer.

Yet when enriched by the truth of God’s word, a healthy heart produces passionate service in the cause of life – always in increasing proportions.

As you serve, take time to cultivate your heart, renewing it in God’s Word.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You giving me Your Word, which cultivates my heart and fortifies me to serve the cause of life. Break up any hard areas in my soul. Fill me with Your strength and truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More about Renewal

Renewal for the Cause of Life, Part 1: Clean Out

Renewal for the Cause of Life, Part 2: Pruning

Renewal: God Works Through the Winter

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Renewal for the Cause of Life, Part 2: Pruning

For You From The Word

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. (John 15:2, NIV)

For You To Think About

Second in a series of renewing your passion for the cause of life

pruning a plant

When it comes to ensuring healthy growth, pruning is one of a gardener’s most important tasks.

You prune two kinds of branches – those that do not produce fruit and those that do produce fruit.

1. Dead Wood

In the pruning process, branches that do not produce fruit (sometimes called “dead wood”) are cut away completely. Pruning dead wood makes a way for the plant to be transformed.

As you consider your time devoted to promoting a choice for life, are there any areas that are not producing fruit at all? Perhaps your time would be better spent in cutting them from your life.

2. Better Wood

Healthy pruning allows branches that do produce fruit to be cut away too, but with the express purpose that they yield an even greater harvest.

As you serve, carefully examine the time you spend that produces fruit in the fight for life.

Maybe you have seen hearts changed … families transformed … lives saved.

Are you continuing to grow as you serve in those areas? How can you grow more? Consider your attitude. Examine the relationships you build. Look at the lives that change, including your own.

Your call to stand for life can produce even more fruit in your life. Ask God to show you where and what to prune.  When you prune wisely, you allow God to work a whole new season of growth in your pro-life service.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the opportunity to serve in the cause of life. Show me what areas are producing fruit for your Kingdom – and what areas are not producing fruit at all. Help me know how to invest my time to serve You best.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Renewal

Renewal for the Cause of Life, Part 1: Clean Out

Renewal for the Cause of Life, Part 3: Till

Renewal: God Works Through the Winter

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