Renewal for the Cause of Life, Part 1: Clean Out

For You From The Word

Some seeds fell on rocky soil … they withered because they had no root. (Matthew 13:5-6, NIV)

For You To Think About

First in a series of renewing your passion for the cause of life

As the calendar moves from winter to spring, homeowners alternately rejoice and despair.

woman reading Bible outside in act of renewal

We enjoy the warmer weather outdoors and prepare our yards for the new growing season … yet those tasks require work.

If the garden is not cleared, this season’s plants will struggle to put down strong roots. Leaves and debris have accumulated. Old plants must be uprooted and rocks removed from the beds to make way for new growth.

Examine Your Heart

Just as debris accumulates in your garden over winter, it can be easy to let attitudes accumulate in your heart during a long season of service. Take time to examine your heart.

If your heart throbs to come alongside those who need support and help during an unplanned pregnancy, then thank God and continue to serve.

But if you’ve found your outlook has grown complacent, apathetic, or simply too comfortable in the status quo, ask God to help you examine the beds in your heart … and maybe clear them out. The roots of your passion for life need room to stretch and grow once again.

The fight for life can be long, like winter. But where the soil of your heart is cleared out and cultivated, there is new life.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the promise of spring. Help me examine my heart and my passion for serving the cause of life. Reveal any attitudes that need to be cleared away so that I can be used effectively by You. Let my passion for life grow deep roots.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More about Renewal

Renewal in the Cause of Life, Part 2: Pruning

Renewal in the Cause of Life, Part 3: Tilling

Renewal: God Works through the Winter

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How We Serve, Part 5: Adoption

For You From The Word

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3:1, NIV)

For You To Think About

Fifth in a series of Birthmothers’ Core Values – the beliefs that drive our service to those who face an unplanned pregnancy

God calls His people to welcome children into adoptive families and to welcome people of all ages into His spiritual family.

young adoptive family: dad, mom, newbornAt Birthmothers we term this double function “Adoption Squared” (Adoption2).

In mathematics, a square is the result of multiplying a number by itself, as in 3 x 3 = 9. In the same way, adoption squared is the cumulative result in building strong families by multiplying two sides of the adoption coin: legal adoption and spiritual adoption.

Legal adoption is the transfer of parental rights and responsibilities to another adult or adults. When women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy are made aware of the adoption option, they have complete information they need to make an informed decision. Legal adoption can build families.

Spiritual adoption is the addition of an individual into God’s Kingdom. Women, men, and children are introduced to Jesus Christ and experience His unconditional love as a way to open the door – or strengthen – their relationship with our Heavenly Father. Spiritual adoption can introduce His saving grace for the very first time or strengthen a life that is already part of the Kingdom.

Adoption – both legal adoption and spiritual adoption – is powerful. Both can offer a sense of belonging, family, and refuge.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
You desire to grow both earthly families and Your spiritual family. Show me how to share about the adoption option with those who face an unplanned planned pregnancy – and how to share about Your unconditional love with those who are not yet adopted into Your spiritual family.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about How We Serve

How We Serve, Part 4: Unity

How We Serve, Part 3: Faithfulness

How We Serve, Part 2: Relational Evangelism

How We Serve, Part 1: Unconditional Love

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How We Serve, Part 4: Unity

For You From The Word

May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (John 17:23, NIV)

For You To Think About

Fourth in a series of Birthmothers’ Core Values – the beliefs that drive our service to those who face an unplanned pregnancy

team circle unityThe pro-life movement is diverse. Churches, faith-based organizations, family values organizations, pregnancy care centers, and women’s organizations are just a few of the kinds of partners that maintain a stance in favor of life.

While these groups differ on specifics (advocacy methods, for instance), they are united in one key principle: the need to protect innocent human life.

It is precisely this spirit of unity for which Jesus prayed in His longest recorded intercession on our behalf – His high priestly prayer in John 17.

Beyond the cause of saving lives, in John 17:23 Jesus gives two powerful reasons for pro-life groups to focus on what they have in common with each other:

  • To let the world know that God sent Him
  • To let the world know that God loves them

Ultimately God calls us to partner with like-minded partners in the pro-life cause as a way to glorify Him.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Unity among Your people is important to You. Show those who stand for life how to work together so that the world might know You sent Jesus and that You love them. Let that spirit of unity begin with me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals about How We Serve

How We Serve, Part 5: We Offer Adoption

How We Serve, Part 3: We Are Faithful

How We Serve, Part 2: We Build Relationships

How We Serve, Part 1: We Love Without Condition

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How We Serve, Part 3: Faithfulness

For You From The Word

Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. (John 13:1, ESV)

For You To Think About

Third in a series of Birthmothers’ Core Values – the beliefs that drive our service to those who face an unplanned pregnancy

A faithful friend sticks by a companion no matter the circumstances.

two friends huggingJesus modeled faithfulness in His friendship with the disciples. When they let fear get the better of them in a storm, He was strong (Mark 4:35-41). When they squabbled among themselves, He explained a better way of thinking and then moved on from the incident (Luke 22:24-30). When they worried about money, He helped them see alternatives (Mark 6:35-44). Jesus not only accepted His friends and all their shortcomings, but He also helped them work through their issues.

But even more, Jesus believed that His friends could do great things for God. He sent them out on a special assignment (Luke 10) and His faithfulness was rewarded. The disciples returned with amazing stories of healing and recovery.

Faithfulness is constancy. Jesus stuck by His friends when they were at their best, at their worst, and everything in between – yet He maintained an unwavering trust in their purpose.

Just as God is faithful, we can be committed to staying in relationship for as long as needed with any woman, partner, or family member who faces an unplanned pregnancy… and offering steadfast faith in God’s ability to use that person for powerful and meaningful purposes.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
I am so grateful for Your faithfulness! You continue to love me in spite of my shortcomings, yet You also allow me to be used for Your Kingdom. Give me the opportunity to demonstrate that kind of faithfulness to someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals about How We Serve

How We Serve Part 5: We Offer Adoption

How We Serve, Part 4: We are Unified

How We Serve, Part 2: We Build Relationships

How We Serve, Part 1: We Love without Condition

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How We Serve, Part 2: Loving Relationships

For You From The Word

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, “Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” (Luke 7:34, NIV)

For You To Think About

Second in a series of Birthmothers’ Core Values – the beliefs that drive our service to those who face an unplanned pregnancy

two friends talkingFriendship – a supportive relationship between people who care about each other – makes an overwhelming difference for those in need. 

A difference between life and death.

If you knew there was an 83% chance that your friendship could help someone choose life, you’d proceed, wouldn’t you? Jesus did. 

Over and over, Jesus’ loving friendship changes lives. He accepted Zaccheus, spent time with him, and later Zaccheus’ life was transformed (Luke 19:1-10.) Jesus befriended the woman at the well who later shared about Him with her entire village (John 4.) Jesus was called “a friend of sinners” because he didn’t limit His relationships to those considered to be good people, but offered the hand of friendship to anyone who would receive it (Luke 7:34.)

Three-quarters or more of those who come to Christ do so through a relationship with a friend, relative, or co-worker who invested in them (according to evangelist Luis Palau’s report and an Institute of American Church Growth study).

When Christ-followers invest in friendships with others, the joy we have in God cannot but help spill over to them. A caring friend is one of the most powerful vehicles God uses for sharing His love with the world.

Those who face an unplanned pregnancy are in great need of friendship. In fact, 83% of women who terminate a pregnancy say they would make a different choice if they had the support of a caring person.

God’s message of forgiveness and love is best transferred in personal, supportive relationships.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for Jesus’ example that models a loving, caring friend. Use me to be a friend to a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Let me reflect Your love and forgiveness.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about How We Serve

How We Serve Part 5: We Offer Adoption

How We Serve, Part 4: We are Unified

How We Serve, Part 3: We are Faithful

How We Serve, Part 1: We Love Without Condition

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How We Serve, Part 1: Unconditional Love

For You From The Word

Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13, NIV)

For You To Think About

First in a series of Birthmothers’ Core Values – the beliefs that drive our service to those who face an unplanned pregnancy

woman speaking on cell phone

Paul wrote to the Christ-followers at Corinth describing the importance of each one finding his strengths and using them to serve others for the common good.

He explained further the most valuable manner in which to use those gifts: with love.

The term for “love” that Paul used, agape, indicates affection without limitations. This type of love has no bounds. It is unchanging.

Unconditional love is for the hurting. Of those who face an unplanned pregnancy, many have been used by others for selfish means, and then discarded when life got hard. Others have been rejected. Still others are confused and uncertain about who they can count on.

Unconditional love is for the unlovable. What of the woman or man who chooses to seek help but shows no gratitude? The man who shirks the responsibility of fatherhood? The couple who terminates a pregnancy?

Unconditional love expects nothing in return. Unconditional love is not dependent on the receiver being lovable or worthy. We were not worthy for Christ to die for us. Unconditional love chooses to serve with no strings attached.

Think about the impact that kind of unconditional love has had for you when Christ made the ultimate sacrifice … and the impact it can have for a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Can there be any more powerful manner in which to serve?

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me with condition. Help me show that love to a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about How We Serve

How We Serve, Part 4: Unity

How We Serve, Part 3: Faithfulness

How We Serve, Part 2: Relationships

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Send a Valentine to a Pregnant Woman

For You From The Word

We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19, NIV)

For You To Think About

Valentine’s Day (February 14) is a holiday that celebrates love of all kinds.

woman holding Valentine heart

Each year, Americans send 180 million Valentine’s cards to family members, friends, secret crushes, people they like, or people they care for. Valentine’s cards and gifts are not limited to those with whom you share romantic love. The holiday is a beautiful opportunity to express affection, appreciation, and friendship for all those in your life.

Yet in a recent poll, 40% of people express negative feelings about Valentine’s Day. In particular, one in ten young adults admit to feeling lonely, insecure, depressed, or unwanted during the holiday. This is especially true for pregnant women, specifically those who may not have the support of a partner or family member during pregnancy when the tendency to feel lonely can be even greater.

Why not send a Valentine or a special note of support to a pregnant woman you know?

It is an opportunity to celebrate love of all kinds. Valentine’s Day provides the occasion to show a pregnant woman that you care about her and are thinking of her and her baby.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving us first. Help me show love to a pregnant woman this day.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Love

Love Series, Part 1: This Is the Way

Love Series, Part 2: What Does “Agape” Mean?

Love Series, Part 3: Love Is One Decision out of 35,000

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The Most Powerful Weapon in the Movement for Life

For You From The Word

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
(1 Corinthians 13:13, NIV)

For You To Think About

Love cultivates life. Hate does not.

Norma and Emily

Norma and Emily

Such was the real-life experience of Norma McCorvey, known to the public as “Jane Roe” and pro-choice poster child of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

For two decades Norma worked in abortion clinics as the champion of the pro-choice movement, absorbed in a world of abuse, rape, homosexuality, substance abuse, broken promises and abandonment.

But when a pregnancy care center moved in next door to the abortion clinic where Norma worked, she was befriended by seven-year-old Emily, the daughter of one the rescue workers. Emily smiled, hugged, and talked with Norma. She drew pictures for Norma and ate meals with her. Norma became attached to Emily and her family.

It was Emily who persisted in inviting Norma to church. When Norma finally relented, Emily was at the worship service where Norma accepted Christ. “I didn’t know it at the time,” said Norma, “but Emily was on her way into hugging me into the kingdom.” God used Emily demonstrate His love and acceptance to Norma.

From that point until her death in 2017, Norma worked relentlessly to overturn the legislation that bears her adopted name.

The most powerful weapon at our disposal in the conflict between the culture of life and the culture of death is not a weapon at all. It is love.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
You use love show Yourself to people and to reveal Your truth. Use me as an instrument of that love.
In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

More about the Impact of Love

Love Series, Part 1: This Is the Way

Love Series, Part 2: What Does “Agape” Mean?

Love Series, Part 3: Love Is One Decision out of 35,000h

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An About-Face for 30-Year Activist

For You From The Word

I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them.
(Ezekiel 11:19, ESV)

For You To Think About

Leslie Davis Blackwell

Leslie Davis Blackwell

“Nearly five years ago, a powerful message clearly came to me that I could no longer fight against the lives of the unborn,” says Leslie Davis Blackwell. “God’s grace allowed me to see clearly that life is sacred.”

It was an about-face for Leslie, a staunch pro-choice activist who was just a month away from becoming a Board member of the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood when her heart dramatically changed.

She had spent 30 years arguing for a woman’s right to choose in the wake of terminating two pregnancies in her early twenties, working to validate her choices, hiding from her hurt, and running from the truth. “I moved on with life, feeling bogus and unworthy, but strained forward in my motherhood, marriage, career, and community involvement,” says Leslie.

Her change of heart led Leslie to learn to forgive herself and cherish the dignity of the unborn. Today she is one of four Silent No More Awareness Campaign regional coordinators from Virginia and regularly participates in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Leslie’s experience demonstrates two wonderful truths: people can have a change of heart about life. And God is the One who makes that change possible.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for changing hearts like Leslie’s. Move in many others to help them face their hurt, find healing, and cherish the dignity of life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals about Choosing Life

Prayer Leads to Life-Changing Decision for Abby Johnson

Reasons Women Give for Ending a Pregnancy

College Soccer Star Chooses Life

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What More Young People Learn Each January

For You From The Word

We pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. (Colossians 1:10, NIV)

For You To Think About

Teen: "I am the pro-life generation"In a Gallup survey, 72% of teenagers stated they believe abortion is morally wrong. Nowhere does this pro-life trend reveal itself more than in the numbers of young people who participate in the annual March for Life, held in Washington, D.C. on or around January 22 – the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion.

Here’s what teenagers tell us what they learn in January:

Choices have impact. “I learned every choice we make directly affects so many people. When a woman chooses abortion, her choice affects the woman, the unborn baby, the father of the unborn baby, the families, friends, and God.”

Choices can have a negative outcome. “I learned that innocent people are losing their lives because of a choice.”

Choices can have positive outcome. “I learned that doing the right thing may not always be the popular or cool thing to do, but when you do the right thing, you probably won’t need to tell God, ‘I’m sorry.’”

Good choices won’t strand you. “I learned there are always people who are willing to help you and love you, no matter what has happened.”

Choice is not the same as information. “I learned many facts about abortion that I never knew.”

The young generation is not only the largest pro-life generation in history, but they also continue to grow and learn life lessons.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for moving in the hearts of young people to have a passion for life. Allow these young leaders to continue to learn life lessons. Let them share their passion with their peers and move an entire generation to say yes to life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals that Encourage Life

What Happened on January 22?

5 Practical Ways to Support the Sanctity of Life

A Prayer at the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

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