Sharing faith: A rewarding journey for a Friend

A FRIEND’S STORY: A rewarding journey 

Experienced Birthmothers Friend helps lead birth mom closer to Christ

womanandbible.jpgLeslie Driscoll* has been a Birthmothers Friend for pregnant women in the past, but her recent relationship with Isabelle Perez* has been especially meaningful. 

“I learned early on that Isabelle is open and receptive,” said Leslie, an adoptive mother of two adult children.  With her encouragement, Isabelle’s growing faith played a big role in her weathering the storms of clinical and postpartum depression. 

A turning point was when Leslie visited Isabelle in the psychiatric hospital and gave the birth mom her Bible. “I also shared with her a list of verses that have been especially powerful to me, including Romans 8:28 and Jeremiah 29:11," said Leslie.  “She’s a believer, but she doesn’t yet know the Bible well, and I think that guidance meant a great deal to her.” 

While Isabelle may have made some poor decisions in the past, according to Leslie, the birth mom is now focused on rebuilding her life and doing what’s best for her two daughters.

“It’s been absolutely delightful – and rewarding – to work with her,” said Leslie.

*name changed to protect confidentiality

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