For You From The Word
Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. (Matthew 25:21, NIV)
For You To Think About
Based on a true story
Teri gave birth to triplets at 24 weeks gestation. Miraculously, they survived.
As a single mom with three premature infants, Teri knew she needed help. The birth father was not in the picture and Teri had few friends in the city. She reached out to Birthmothers for support.
One volunteer offered to help with feedings. One provided a crib. Another sent meals. Still another agreed to deliver everything.
Jesus affirmed the servants who are faithful in “a few things,” which translates into “small amounts.” Our faithfulness is measured in the small steps we take in responding to His call.
Your small acts of service may not seem like much to you. But to Teri, they add up. To God, they represent a willing heart. You help women to choose life when you back up your encouragement with small acts of service.
For You To Pray
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the opportunities you place before us each day and each week to perform small acts of service for those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Open my eyes to those opportunities. Show me how to offer practical help alongside verbal encouragement for women to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
More on Serving Those Who Face an Unplanned Pregnancy
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