Spiritual parenting: I’m a special kind of parent

A FRIEND’S STORY: I’m a special kind of parent 

Debbie Robinson has been a Birthmothers Friend for 7 years.

servinghands.jpgWhen I first heard about Birthmothers, I was a volunteer at Capital Hill Pregnancy Care Center. I wanted to develop deeper relationships with so many of the young ladies we served. Birthmothers provides the missing link. As a Birthmothers Friend, I can build long-term relationships with these girls. 

Throughout the years, I’ve been matched with 15 birth moms and have directly served seven of those for an extended period.  Being a spiritual mother to these women has given me an overwhelming sense of purpose.  When I become a birth mom’s Friend, I read books, pray, and try to learn as much as possible about her situation in order to understand what she’s going through.  I let her know she can talk to me about anything.  I make a point to be transparent and real.

I came to understand the influence I can have as a Friend when people in my life pointed out that I’m a spiritual parent. I embrace that role.  I don’t have children of my own, and I used to resist going to church on Mother’s Day. Now, I look forward to Mother’s Day.  My current birth mom even honored me this year with a Mother’s Day card.

About a year ago I discovered that the women’s ministry at my new church was searching for a special calling.  I introduced them to Birthmothers.  Since then, we’ve developed a church team to reach out to women in D.C. I like to think I played a special part in getting Birthmothers launched in my church home!

I have a head full of gray hair, but I can still help pregnant women. Anyone can – whether it’s by being a Friend, praying, distributing Need a Friend cards or by giving.  Each birth mom I serve is a new and exciting opportunity to make a difference and be a spiritual parent.

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