For You From The Word
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)
For You To Think About
“The people who work in abortion clinics are usually there because they think they want to help women, they need the money, or they just can’t gather the courage to start looking for a new job” says Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood clinic director who left the industry and now is a staunch pro-life advocate. “I know. I’ve been there.”
Today, Abby and her team at And Then There Were None, launched in 2012, provide an alternative: financial, emotional, spiritual, and legal support for any abortion worker who wishes to transition out of the abortion industry. Their premise is simple: exoduses cripple clinics. When there are no workers, clinics cannot operate.
Clinic workers may want to leave these positions, but face a crisis. They feel trapped. Where will they turn? Many rely on their jobs to support themselves and their families. What may seem like a simple job change is compounded by emotional fears and spiritual depletion that come hand-in-hand with months of complying with the industry’s deception. Further, resignation or job change can even have legal ramifications for employees.
To date, Abby’s group has helped 47 former clinic workers leave the industry and convert on the issue of life. “Former workers are now reaching into the same clinics where they once worked,” says Abby. “They are sharing their newfound joy with their friends still trapped in the industry.”
It’s an idea centered on the principle of supply and demand. Siphon off the supply … and save lives.
For You To Pray
Heavenly Father,
Move in hearts of workers in the abortion industry. Quicken their conscience. Fill them with courage to leave the industry – and provide the support they need to follow through.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.