Ways Lives Are Saved: One-on-One Support

For You From The Word

A friend loves at all times. (Proverbs 17:17)

For You To Think About

Isabelle’s house flooded, her baby’s birth father abandoned her, and she spiraled into depression. But her Friend Leslie stood by her for months during her pregnancy, praying with her and encouraging her, until Isabelle was able to be healthy and whole once again for her new daughter.

woman comforting woman

Image: SBS

Lindsey became pregnant during her senior year of college. Her Birthmothers Friend became a long-distance lifeline , helping Leslie compile information about housing prices, jobs for single parents, and other options. Lindsey credits her Friend’s unconditional and informed support as instrumental in helping her choose adoption as her best option.

Carla needed practical help during her pregnancy. Her Friend Laurie took her to medical appointments . Laurie invited Carla to visit to her home and care for her own toddler and infant so Carla could understand what parenting is like.

Isabelle, Lindsey, and Carla are true-life examples of what statistics tell us to be true: 83% women say they would have chosen life if they had support from a partner, family member, spouse, friend, or special person during pregnancy.

One-on-one support helps save lives.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Raise up more compassionate, loving volunteers who will provide one-on-one, unconditional support for women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways Lives Are Saved

Ways Lives Are Saved: Maternity Homes Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Prayer Helps Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Pro-Life License Plates Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Sidewalk Counselors Help Women Choose Life


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