Birthmothers is on Facebook! Help us connect with more women

HelpĀ reach more women who face an unplanned pregnancy when you connect with Birthmothers on Facebook.

Facebook iconTake a moment right now to become a fan on our Facebook page.

By joining, you’ll help hurting women in at least 3 ways:

  • When your Facebook friends see Birthmothers information on your Facebook page, then they’ll be able to connect more pregnant women to us. You’ll help more women be matched one-on-one with a Friend!
  • When your friends see that you’reĀ  a Birthmothers Friend, you’ll help recruit more volunteers to serve hurting women and families. You can help even more when you write a short testimony explaining what being a Friend means to you.
  • When your friends hear about Birthmothers, they’ll want to learn how their church can start a Birthmothers ministry and serve women right in their own communities!

Extending our reach to more women online all starts with you. Please become a fan of our Facebook page today. And tell a ministry story online that will encourage someone else.

If you’re not yet on Facebook, just log onto and open a free account. It takes just a couple of minutes. And you’ll start connecting with others online who care about women, children, and families!

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