Ultrasounds are a Game-Changer

For You From The Word

The eyes of the blind will be opened. (Isaiah 35:5)

For You To Think About

Visuals are powerful: think of your response to visuals of the Twin Towers on 9/11 … New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina … body bags unloaded from military aircraft during the Viet Nam War.

ultrasoundUltrasound images of unborn children are powerful, too. Especially for those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

A prenatal ultrasound (“obstetric sonography”) is a diagnostic imaging technique. Reflected sound waves produce a picture of the fetus. Suddenly, the mother-to-be sees a photo on a television screen of her unborn child – the human life she carries. It moves. It may suck its thumb.

Anecdotally, 62% to 95% of abortion-minded women change their minds after seeing an ultrasound image of their child during pregnancy and decide to continue with the pregnancy. Focus on the Family reports 84% of these women reconsider and choose life.

Regardless of the exact number of changed minds, one thing is clear: a pregnant woman who has an ultrasound is significantly more apt carry her pregnancy to term. Ultrasounds are now considered a game-changer when it comes to the battle for life.

For You To Pray

Lord of miracles,
Thank you for the miracle of technology, which allows parents-to-be to see images of their unborn children. Use these tests to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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