Weep With Those Who Weep on October 20

For You From The Word

Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people. (Jeremiah 9:1)

For You To Think About

Silent Day logo“Thousands of American babies are permanently silenced every day by the violent act of abortion,” said Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director of Students for Life. “Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity raises awareness. It is a day for pro-life students to honor those children as they stay silent as an act of solidarity with these innocent victims.”

Participants take a vow of silence for the day in honor of those who have lost their lives to abortion and who will never be allowed to speak. Many students also place red duct tape over their mouths, wear red arm bands or Day of Silent Solidarity T-shirts, and pass out “Why I Am Silent” literature.

The impact is enormous – and even saves lives. “One girl kept glancing at my shirt all day, took a flier, but didn’t say anything,” said one of last year’s participants. “Then in sixth period, as I got up to go to the front of my class, she came up with me. In front of everyone, she began weeping and fell into my arms. She was a couple of months pregnant and said she didn’t want to have an abortion. She asked to receive Christ right there.”

For You To Pray

Merciful God,
Let Your truth be seen and heard clearly on October 20, the Day of Silent Solidarity – so that many will understand the need to speak out for the unborn and offer alternatives to pregnant women.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Millennials Standing For Life

Students Stand With Those Who Have Been Silenced – and Save Lives

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