Jesus Honored and Valued Women

For You From the Word

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.
(Isaiah 43:4)

For You To Think About

Woman praying at crossWhen Jesus was dying on the cross, He honored His mother by asking John to care for her (John 19:27).

When Jesus was resurrected, He honored Mary Magdalene by appearing first to her before anyone else (John 20:13-16).

When Jesus wanted to spread word about His resurrection, He honored the women who followed Him. They were the ones to share the news with the disciples (Luke 24:9-10).

Jesus honors and values women.

Share that good news with a woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Let her know she is precious and honored in Jesus’ sight.

For You To Pray

Precious Lord,
Thank You for the value You place on women. Help me share that good news with a hurting, vulnerable woman today.
In Jesus name, Amen.


More Prayers for Life

“Hosanna!” Two Prayers for Life in One

“Save Now!” God Honors the Prayers of Children

Jesus Doesn’t Judge the Prayers of Pregnant Women

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