Two Ordinary People. One Extraordinary Story of Courage.

For You From The Word

Be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

For You To Think About

“I value life in a different way than some,” says Jenae Holtzhafer, “As a result of my circumstances.”

1958 GMC bus: choosing life

1958 GMC bus

Jenae’s mother was a senior in high school  – a straight-A student, talented pianist, and skilled equestrian –  who put her dreams on hold when she discovered she was pregnant. Her father had recently graduated from high school. Family and friends urged them to abort.

“I’m only here because my parents chose life,” says Jenae.

They married and Jenae was born. What followed were eight very difficult years as they family lived in army tents, tiny apartments – even a 1958 GMC school bus (pictured above). Even so, Jenae succeeded at school. She went on to graduate from college. Today she is a happily married wife, mother, and photojournalist.

“Thank you, mom and dad for giving me the chance to prove what I could do. Thank you for your sacrifices and your tears,” says Jenae. “I love life and will strive to put it to good use — for that is why we’re here, isn’t it?”

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Give those who face an unplanned pregnancy have the courage to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ordinary People Who Chose Life

Choosing Life: She Said “Yes” When She Had 3 Reasons to Say “No” to Life

Choosing Life: This Dad Had 2 Choices and Chose Life

Choosing Life: How One Anonymous Friend Helped a Young Couple Choose Life

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