God’s Promises to Fathers, Part 2: Peace of Mind

For You From The Word

Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad. (Proverbs 29:17, NLT)

For You To Think About

Throughout scripture, fathers are admonished to discipline their children.

In our culture, the concept of “discipline” has a negative connotation. The word implies punishment, particularly in the face of disobedience.

Yet the biblical concept of discipline is more complete. True discipline includes instruction, training, and correction. The process is thorough.

Children are not born with the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. They need to learn it. God charges fathers to bring up their children to know Him, honor Him, and follow His ways.

And God offers a wonderful promise to fathers who embrace the responsibility to discipline, instruct, train, and correct their children. He promises to give these fathers peace of mind.

Their children may choose to live lives of righteousness, or not … but these dads will have done their part.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your specific promises to fathers. Help dads to instruct, train, and correct their children, raising them to honor You and follow You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Promises for Fathers

God’s Promises for Fathers: Part 1: Life

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 3: Blessings

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 4: Uniqueness

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