A Woman’s Letter to God

For You From The Word

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.
(Jeremiah 1:5)

For You To Think About

A letter from a pregnant woman

woman writing letterDear God,

As I carry this child, I am full of fear. There are so many unknowns. Yet Your Word says of my child, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”

I haven’t even met my baby yet. But You know her. You’ve known her a long time – in fact, You say You knew her before You created her inside me.

You know her personality … her likes, dislikes, and special skills. You know her weaknesses, too. You see that she will be cared for. You have plans for her. You already know who her friends will be and what she will do for a living.

Because You know her, You also know her family. It was no mistake that You chose me to carry her, regardless of the many times I question that fact.

There is tremendous comfort in knowing that You know this child – and that You’re forming her inside me. I need not bring her into this world alone.

You know her. You’re forming her. I am a partner with You.

In appreciation,
Your daughter

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Comfort women who are pregnant. Remove their fear. Let them understand that You know their babies intimately and that they are not alone as they carry them.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Letters

A Guy’s Letter to God

A Friend’s Letter to Pregnant Woman Offering Support

A Friend’s Letter to a Woman Considering Abortion


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Why Under-30s Are the Most Pro-Life Generation in History

For You From The Word

From the lips of children and infants you have ordained strength because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. (Psalm 8:2)

For You To Think About

Millennials at March for Life“A third of my generation is gone because of abortion,” says Kristan Hawkins , Executive Director of Students for Life of America, explaining why her generation is the most pro-life generation in recent history.

Kristan underscores what was confirmed in a  Gallup poll : 47% of 18-29 year-olds say they are pro-life, an increase of 5% from previousGallup figures.

Today’s young people give substantial reasons for standing for life:

  • My siblings were aborted and never got the chance at life.
  • Men and women of my generation lack spouses who were aborted.
  • Doctors told my friend’s mother to abort her, but today she is perfectly healthy.
  • So many resources are available for women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy.
  • I lost friends to abortion without even knowing it.
  • I had an abortion and regret it.
  • Abortion is not the only option.

Do everything you can to encourage this generation to stand for life. The torch is theirs. They are grasping it.

“We are pro-life,” says Kristan. “We vote, and we’re in this fight to win it.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
There is a growing respect for life among today’s young generation. Thank you! Strengthen these young people to stand firm. Increase their numbers and help them spread the pro-life message to their peers.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

More Pro-Life Trends Today

What More Young People Learn Each January

3 Changes in Pro-Life Trends

The Battle for Life Is Being Won Among Millennials



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What Is “Roe v. Wade”?

For You From The Word

He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. (2 Samuel 23:3, NKJV)

For You To Think About

The United States Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision was handed down on January 22, 1973.

US Supreme CourtIn an appeal on behalf of plaintiff Norma McCorvey (“Jane Roe”), the Court ruled that states could not regulate abortions performed during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Further, states could only enact abortion regulations pertaining to the second and third trimesters when a mother’s life was affected.

Finally, the ruling stipulated that states could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester. Even then, an exception had to be made to protect the life of the mother.

The ruling was based on an individual’s right to privacy, granted under in the 14th Amendment, which the majority argued extended to a woman’s decision to have an abortion.

In essence, the Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion on demand. Today, Roe v. Wade remains one of the Supreme Court’s most recognized and divisive rulings.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Allow our nation to respect the sanctity of human life. Move our leaders to protect the unborn through legislation.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Roe v. Wade

Each Year, the March for Life Raise Awareness about Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade: Questions and Answers

Meet Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade


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The Battle for Life Is Being Won Among Millennials

For You From The Word

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (1Timothy 4:12, NIV)

For You To Think About


Image: Millennier

Evidence suggests that the battle for life is being won in the hearts of our youth, particularly among Millennials (or Gen Y) – those born between the early 1980s and 2000.

  • 2010 Knights of Columbus/Marist poll: 58% of Millennials believe that abortion is morally wrong
  • 2004 Rock the Vote poll: 54% of new voters were pro-life. Among first-time minority voters, 61% of Latino and 59% of African American respondents were pro-life.
  • 2004 Hamilton College/Zogby poll: among 18-29 year-olds, 70% females would not consider abortion if they became pregnant in high school.

One good reason Millennials are known increasingly as “the most pro-life generation in America”: since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling which legalized a woman’s right to choose Millennials have lost one-third of their generation to abortion … those who would now be their friends, colleagues, and associates.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for moving in the hearts of young people, leading them to believe in the value of life. Strengthen their convictions and resolve. Use the Millennial generation to point many more people to Your truth.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Pro-Life Trends Today

What More Young People Learn Each January

3 Changes in Pro-Life Trends

Why Under-30s are the Most Pro-Life Generation in History


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Roe v. Wade: Questions and Answers

For You From The Word

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
(John 8:32)

For You To Think About

U.S. Supreme CourtJanuary 22 marks the  anniversary of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion.

You may be surprised to learn some of the truths surrounding this significant legislation. For instance, 49.5 million Americans have lost their lives to abortion since 1973.

You can get informed and be equipped with these simple questions and answers about Roe v. Wade on Quizlet. (You can even download your own print version.)

Truth is a powerful ally in the fight for life.

For You To Pray

Omnipotent Father,
Help me know the truth. Equip me with the knowledge I need to defend life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Stories From Friends: Friend Connects Pregnant Woman to Spanish Congregation

By Sally T.*, Birthmothers Friend

After I trained as a Birthmothers Friend, I was matched with Adelina.* We met at Starbucks. As we chatted and got to know each other, I learned that Adelina comes from a Catholic background. Her nine-year-old daughter and her mother live in Mexico.

First steps in faith for Adelina

Spanish-speaking woman with BibleI asked if she went to church these days. Adelina pointed out the coffee shop window to the church across the street and told me she had attended once. However, as a Spanish-speaker, she had difficulty following the English service.

“I could call the church to find out what time their Spanish services take place,” I offered, pointing to the banner advertising ESOL (English as a Second Language) classes in front of the church. “Would you be open to meeting the pastor and attending the Spanish service?” She nodded.

When I called back with the information, I encouraged Adelina to go to worship. “It will comfort you,” I explained.

Adelina has attended the Spanish service that Sunday and every week since.

Next steps in faith

It has been exciting to see how God has moved in Adelina’s heart after that first step. When her doctor ordered an ultrasound for some bleeding, Adelina got to see her baby on the screen. She has decided that she wants to keep the child. Subsequently the bleeding has stopped.

As I drove her to work after the ultrasound appointment, Adelina told me that she has begun attending a Bible study at church. She even found the courage to invite her Bolivian friend to attend with her! I was able to share with her I told her how wonderful that was – and to tell her that my husband and I have attended the same Bible study group for more than ten years. We’ve learned so much and have built some of our most meaningful relationships with members of our group.

I pray regularly with Adelina. I’ve shared with her the story of my own unplanned pregnancy, placing my daughter for adoption, finding God, and being reunited with my daughter. She is visibly moved by this. In one more step of faith, I ordered a Spanish Daily Word for Adelina through my church. I will be excited to give it to her and share readings together. God has His hand on this woman. I feel privileged to walk with her in her journey of motherhood and faith.

*Names changed for confidentiality

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Try This! Simple Ways You Can Support Women Who Choose Life

There are all kinds of ways you can support women and families who face an unplanned pregnancy.

newborn baby in a basketSometimes the smallest acts of kindness mean more than you know and can make all the difference , especially when a woman or man makes a decision that is difficult and may feel all alone.

Scan this list and see what you might do to take one small step to encourage and help those who choose life.

Contact us to learn more — and share your ministry ideas with us! We’ll post your idea and story on our website so other Church Teams can learn from your experience.

More Ways to Support Women Who Face an Unplanned Pregnancy

Start a Volunteer Friends Team at Your Church

Post Need A Friend? Cards in Your Community

Collect Supplies for a Local Pregnancy Care Center

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“My Decision To Choose Life Was Not – and Is Not – Easy”

For You From The Word

Carry each other’s burdens. (Galatians 6:2)

For You To Think About

young mom with babyWhen Willa faced her third unplanned pregnancy in four years, she googled “abortion providers in Nashville.” Two past abortions made another one seem likely. But the search engine directed her to Hope Clinic, one of the largest pro-life pregnancy centers in Tennessee.

Willa met with a counselor at Hope Clinic … and went back the next week to talk to the counselor again. She learned her future wasn’t over. Clinic staff didn’t tell her she was crazy to have a baby at 19, unmarried, and work an $8-an-hour job. Instead, they provided support.

Nevertheless, her decision to choose life was not easy, says Willa. Like many of the clinic’s clients, she experienced warring emotions both during pregnancy and now as a mother.  “It is better my son was born, that he’s with me,” she says. “But it’s not like it used to be.”

Now, nearly two years later, she continues to see a Hope counselor regularly, bringing along her 1-year-old son. The clinic offers points in exchange for counseling visits. Willa has been able to accumulate enough credits from counseling visits to “buy” donated baby food, maternity clothes, formula, diapers, and baby gear.

Willa’s experience underscores an invaluable truth in the fight for life: pregnant women need more than a one-time counseling session. They need ongoing support as they carry their children, give birth, and raise the next generation.

For You to Pray

Gracious Father,
You created us to be Your hands and feet to each other. Move in many to provide ongoing, one-on-one support for those who face an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Women Who Chose Life

How One Abortion-Minded Woman Chose Life

Friends Encouraged Kimberly to Choose Life – Just In Time

Alanna Was Pregnant and Alone – But Chose Life Because She Had a Friend



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Support: Alanna Was Pregnant and Alone – But Chose Life

For You From The Word

If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
(Ecclesiastes 4:10)

For You To Think About

woman on porch with phoneAlanna’s doctor studied the lab report and frowned. “I’m ordering more tests,” he said. “I want you to stay off your feet and get extra rest.”

Alanna fought down a surge of panic.  How would she manage? Her parents had kicked her out of the house. Her boyfriend wanted her to get an abortion. Her friends dropped out of her life when they found out she was pregnant. What would happen to her and the baby?

A recent ParentTime poll reported that 55% pregnant women get emotional support from their partners and 28% from their family members during pregnancy.  But what about women like Alanna, who have little or no support during the physical ups and downs of those nine months?

Pregnancy is hard on both body and soul. A woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy deals with not only the monumental decision of what’s best for her and her baby but also the pregnancy itself. That includes issues like weight gain, cravings, and moods, not to mention blood pressure, tests, and complications. Often, these women must face pregnancy alone. But they don’t have to.

Fortunately Alanna sought help and was matched with a Birthmothers Friend. For Alanna, that meant having someone take her to appointments, help her with housework, and help her get extra rest … and it meant she did not have to go through nine months all alone.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Provide empathetic Friends for women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Help them get support they need during the ups and downs of those nine months.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Support

Virginia’s Story: All-Star Player Supports Pregnant Teenager

Rebecca’s Story: “People Supported Me. I Wanted to Give Back.”

Katey’s Story: “Support Gave Me Options”

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Find Your Special Skill and Use It

For You From The Word

God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
(1 Corinthians 12:18)

For You To Think About

hands open for servingJen was gifted in encouraging others, although she is a self-described disorganized person.

Beth has a soft spot in her heart for pregnant women. She has had two risky pregnancies, a miscarriage, and is herself adopted.

Sandi is task-oriented. Although shy, she’s gifted in organizing files, running errands, and setting into order the most disarrayed desk.

Jen, Beth, and Sandi could choose to focus on their shortcomings: Jen’s mess, Beth’s struggles to conceive, and Sandi’s introverted personality.

Instead, each of them chose to focus on using their gifts. Jen encourages women who face an unplanned pregnancy as a Birthmothers Friend. Beth is also a Friend, and specifically serves women who are considering adoption. Sandi provides administrative support for prolife ministry.

God carefully chose the skills and abilities He gave Jen, Beth, and Sandi – and each of us. Regardless about how you may feel about your giftedness and your circumstances, God has an important role for you to fill in the Body of Christ.

When you find your special skill or ability, ask God to show you how to use it. With your gift, you can make a powerful difference for life … even if that’s not something you’d ever considered doing.

For You To Pray

Lord God,
You have gifted me in specific ways to serve in the Body of Christ. Show me how to use my gifts to help those who face an unplanned pregnancy and encourage life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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