34,000 Denominations United in Showing God’s Love

For You From The Word

Over all these virtues put on love, which binds all together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:14)

For You To Think About

worship crowd united togetherAt last count, Christianity is made up of 33,830 denominations. Most differ only slightly on doctrine.

Christians have long asserted that “what unites us is greater than what divides us” – that is, that together they treasure a foundational love for Christ and the desire to follow His teachings of love, grace, forgiveness, and hope – in spite of other differences.

In other words, a love for Jesus is the bridge that unites Christ-followers as they serve those in need.

A woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy is not as much concerned with whether to be sprinkled or immersed when baptized.  Traditional or contemporary-style worship is not a burning issue. Nor is pre-millennial or post-millennial theology.

But rather, a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy desperately needs to know that God loves them. He forgives them. He will provide for them and the child.

Christians of any stripe agree: we can work together to share that incredible hope.

For You to Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank You for providing the bridge to our salvation: Jesus Christ. Move in the hearts of Your people to be united as we serve those in need. Let us put on love for You, for women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy, and for each other.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Serving in Unity

Practical (and Pro-Life) Ministries for Your Church

How You Can Influence Others to Help Vulnerable Women

There Is Strength In Numbers in the Fight for Life

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Pregnancy: Why Body and Soul are Intertwined

For You From The Word

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in trouble; my soul and my body waste with grief!
(Psalm 31:9, NKJV)

For You To Think About

woman with head in handNo one wants to be a “project” for someone else. But that’s exactly how Trina felt after her positive pregnancy test. A well-meaning agency worker gave her literature about a healthy diet, plunked a bottle of prenatal vitamins in her hand, and told her where she could go to get birth control so “it wouldn’t happen again.” Trina wept as she left the building. The worker helped Trina care for her body, but unintentionally missed soothing Trina’s broken soul.

Body and soul: the two can’t be separated.

Likewise, kingdom perspective towards the vulnerable women, children and families who face an unplanned pregnancy is not compartmentalized. Instead, Jesus teaches us to care for a person’s body and soul together. In one of his parables, the shepherd saves not merely the soul of the lost sheep but the whole creature (Luke 15:4-6).

“Reverence for life,” said Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), German theologian, medical doctor, and missionary, “is applied to natural life and spiritual life alike.”

In other words, Jesus models how we can care for vulnerable women and their babies – not as a project, not just the body, nor just the soul – but as whole people, caring gently, thoroughly, and lovingly for both their bodies and souls.

For You to Pray

Gracious Father,
Women who face an unplanned pregnancy are not my project. Show me how to help them care for their bodies but also their hearts as they face them enormous challenge. Let them feel nurtured and loved totally and completely.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Today, 8,456 Women Face An Unplanned Pregnancy

For You From The Word

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified … for the Lord your God goes with you.
(Deuteronomy 31:6)

For You To Think About

pregnancy testEvery day, 8,456 American women become pregnant  without planning to do so.

Half those women will choose abortion. Not because they want to … but they mistakenly believe that they’re all alone and there’s no other choice.

83% post-abortive women say they would have made a different decision if they’d had support from a partner, family member, or special person during pregnancy.

If you know someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy, take courage. Talk to her.

The fear she has over what she faces is much greater than the uncertainty you have about encouraging her. She needs a friend to tell her there’s hope and help.

That friend could be you.

For You To Pray

Strong and loving Father,
Give me the courage to encourage a pregnant woman today.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Encourage Pregnant Women

10 Ways to Encourage Pregnant Women

To Encourage Means to Fill With Courage

A Friend’s Story: “Encouragement Gave Her a Voice”


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A Friend’s Story – “Encouragement Gave Her A Voice”

By Rachel S.*

I first heard about Birthmothers when my husband and I were part of an adoption small group at church. The ministry resonated with me. I’ve personally experienced many different angles of the parenting equation. At a young age, I too had faced an unplanned pregnancy.

Since then, I’ve dealt with infertility and considered adoption. Now, having come out on the other side, I have the blessing of my son – a wonderful young man – along with a loving husband and two more healthy young children. If I could help another young woman know the joy of bringing a life into the world – well, I wanted that very much.

My Friend Match

Friend talking on phoneNot long after I completed Friends Certification Training, I received a call from Birthmothers. A college student wanted to be matched with a Friend, they told me. She’d found Birthmothers while searching online for a local church that offered a support group for pregnant women.  Specifically, she asked for someone who would pray with her. Soon, I understood why. Hannah* had been raped at a party and become pregnant. To be honest, I was afraid I would not be equipped to give Hannah the support she needed. But I took a step of faith and agreed to be her Friend.

During our first telephone conversation, Hannah explained that the baby was due in two months. Because of her faith, abortion had not been an option. But her pregnancy’s circumstances led others around her to assume she would place the child for adoption. She wasn’t sure about that option. At the end of our call, I prayed with her.

“Am I Crazy?”

That phone call began an incredible relationship with this amazing young woman. I discovered that my main role as Hannah’s Friend was as an encourager. In the coming days and weeks, Hannah met with an adoption counselor – mostly to reassure family and friends. Her main concern, she admitted, was how those in her circle of support would respond once she told them her decision was to keep her child. She simply needed to find her voice in expressing her deepest desire.

“Do you think I’m crazy for wanting to parent my baby?” she asked me.

I told Hannah what I saw in her – a resourceful, strong young woman of faith. She had sought ought crisis assistance counseling in the wake of the rape. Her work as a nanny gave her experience with children, meaning she entered parenthood well aware of what it entailed. She was employed and able to support a child.

It had become clear where Hannah’s heart was leading her. “If God has laid on you the desire to raise this baby,” I told her, “then you need to consider that call.”

Encouragement gave Hannah her voice. Once she was able to express herself to family and close friends, they supported her decision to parent 100%. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and continues to work as a nanny, bringing him along with her as she cares for the children. Down the road, she plans to finish college.

Birthmothers Friends support all different kinds of women in all different kinds of circumstances. In this case, I acted as a neutral sounding board and encourager for Hannah while she figured out how to express herself to loved ones.

I’ve heard other Friends say that they receive much more than they feel they give in a Friend-birth mom relationship. That’s what happened to me with Hannah. Her courage challenged me. Her resourcefulness motivated me. Not only do I consider her to be a close friend, but she has inspired me to be better than I am.

*Names changed for confidentiality

Find out how you can become a Birthmothers Friend when you contact Birthmothers at 1 (844)77BIRTH.

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An Entire U.S. City Will Drop Out of School This Year

For You From The Word

Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life. (Proverbs 4:13)

For You To Think About

Every day, 1,100 American teenagers discover they are pregnant though they did not plan to be.

Half of these young women will not finish high school. Pregnancy is cited as a major factor.

That means 200,750 girls will not graduate each year — more than the entire population of cities like Grand Rapids, MI (population: 188,040), Tallahassee, FL (population: 181,376), and even Salt Lake City, UT (population: 186,440).

With no diploma and no education, these women face a lifetime of probable poverty. Their children are at higher risk for abuse and neglect. Our nation suffers the loss of a bright, new workforce to the tune of a whole city each year.

It’s hard for a young woman to carry a baby to term and finish her education. But she can do it with support. Pregnant teenagers need to know they can have a Friend and have support to finish school and build a productive life. God’s people can minister to these women and help prevent the tremendous loss of an entire city this year.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Inspire pregnant teenagers to finish their education. Show me and others in God’s family how to support and encourage them.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Support for Pregnant Teenagers

Katey’s Story: “Options When I Needed Them the Most”

16 & Pregnant Stars: “One-on-One Pregnancy Counseling Made the Difference”

Family’s Story: Pro-Life Politician’s Pregnant Teen Daughter Chooses Life


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Task-Oriented or People-Oriented: Two Different Kinds of Volunteers

For You From The Word

We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

For You To Think About

two different kinds of volunteersHuman personalities are thought fall into two broad types: task-oriented and people-oriented.

The task-oriented person flourishes with a job to do or a list of chores to check.  Many volunteer positions are task-oriented. Tasks have a beginning, middle, and end. They involve completing important, finite responsibilities, such as filing a stack of papers, tutoring a child for an hour, cleaning out a row of pet pens, reading to a patient once a week, or organizing and executing an event. Generous volunteers help Birthmothers accomplish these very important tasks.

The people-oriented person thrives on interaction with others. For this person, what is done is less important than enjoying the relationship along the way.

A Birthmothers Friend is a people-oriented volunteer. The primary function of a Friend is relational. A Friend demonstrates Christ’s character to those who face an unplanned pregnancy.  A Friend is committed to showing acceptance and compassion, no matter what the circumstances or what decisions a woman makes.

Task-oriented volunteers help keep Birthmothers operational. Volunteer Friends serve relationally role as a one-on-one sounding board for women. Both kinds of volunteers fill crucial roles in serving women.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Raise up volunteers to serve organizations all over America, including those who are called to become Birthmothers Friends.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Volunteering

How Does Birthmothers Recruit Volunteer Friends?

70,000 Volunteers for Life – Plus One

Volunteer Friends Experience Healing While Helping

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16 & Pregnant Stars: “One-on-One Pregnancy Counseling Made the Difference”

For You From The Word

Make known among the nations what he has done. (1 Chronicles 16:8)

For You To Think About

Tyler & Catelynn

Tyler & Catelynn

Catelynn and Tyler, stars of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant, sought professional support when they faced their unplanned pregnancy.

Now, more than three years later, the couple has partnered with family preservation and adoption agency Bethany Christian Services to raise public awareness about the benefits of pregnancy counseling and adoption.

They will participate in a national campaign featuring media interviews, online chats and college campus speaking engagements.

Catelynn and Tyler were still in high school when they discovered they were expecting a child. After careful thought and thoughtful counsel, they placed her for adoption. They have visited her several times.

“We’ve seen firsthand the value in working with a pregnancy counselor,” says Tyler. “We received tremendous support during our pregnancy, and we want to make sure others in similar situations know what resources are available to them.”

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Move those who face an unplanned pregnancy to reach out and get help. Connect them to pregnancy support and counsel. Help them make good decisions for themselves and their babies.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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American Teenagers Are Getting Pregnant Less

For You From The Word

We have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. (Colossians 1:9)

For You To Think About

Allie shook her head at her new boyfriend. “No,” she said. “I won’t have sex.”

Allie is not alone. A recent study by The Guttmacher Institute reports that American teenagers are getting pregnant less. About ¼ of the decline is attributed to choices for abstinence, like Allie’s. Three-quarters of the decline is attributed to contraceptive use.

The U.S. teen pregnancy rate is the lowest it’s been in 40 years.

  • Teen pregnancy rate in 1990: 116.9 pregnancies per 1,000 (the peak year)
  • Teen pregnancy rate in 2008: 67.8 pregnancies per 1,000 (the lowest rate since 1972)

The U.S. abortion rate has plummeted 59% over the last 20 years.

  • Teen abortions in 1988: 43.5 abortions per 1,000
  • Teen abortions in 2008: 17.8 per 1,000

The U.S. teen birthrate has declined by more than a third during the last two decades.

  • Teen birth rate in 1991: 61.8 births per thousand
  • Teen birth rate in 2008: 40.2 births per thousand

God tells us to “not stop praying and asking God to fill” others with wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 1:9). When we encourage, inform, pray for, and support teens like Allie, we can help equip them to make good choices.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help teenagers make good choices about intimacy – choices that honor You. Show me how I can support and encourage a teenager in that way.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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The Hidden Fear in College Athletics

For You From The Word

Fear and trembling have come upon me. (Psalm 55:5, AMP)

For You To Think About

female athlete on running trackIn spite of Title IX (the 1972 education legislation requiring equal gender treatment in athletics), female student-athletes who become pregnant continue to fear losing renewals to their athletic scholarships. Lack of understanding and lack of support contribute to that fear.

This hidden fear plaguing pregnant student-athletes came into the public eye in 2007 when a Clemson University athlete shared her story with ESPN . She had already had one abortion when she discovered she was pregnant a second time in fall 2006.

“Think about your options,” a university administrator warned her, when the athlete made an appointment not knowing where else to turn. “If [Coach] finds out [about your pregnancy] and if you decide to keep the baby, that scholarship is gone.” NCAA limits athletic scholarships to fixed one-year terms with discretionary renewal.

That conversation played “a big, big part in my decision,” said the athlete. “That’s the first thing I thought about: I’m losing my scholarship.” During the prior year, the student had been asked to sign a team document indicating that athletic grants may be modified in the event of pregnancy.

Fear ultimately drove the athlete’s decision to have a second abortion. She felt she had no other option.

Just two months after the ESPN broadcast, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (charged with enforcing Title IX) responded with a letter to federally-funded colleges nationwide, reminding them of their obligation to equal medical treatment for pregnant students.  The now-infamous letter banned dismissing a student-athlete’s scholarship because of pregnancy. Discretionary renewal for a pregnant student is less well-defined.

What if student-athletes have a Friend to walk with during pregnancy … provide information and options about a decision for life … connect her with legal support … encourage her return to physical fitness after pregnancy… and if necessary, help her find alternative ways to finance her education in ensuing years?

Things can turn out differently for student-athletes and their babies when they have a Friend.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Let student-athletes know the truth: they can have support during a pregnancy. They needn’t walk through this season of their lives alone.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about College Students and Pregnancy

Provide a Safe Space on Campus for Pregnant Students

Why One College Student Was Able to Choose Life

How to Save Lives on College Campuses

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Advice from Teen Mom to Pregnant Teens: “Surround Yourself with Positive People”

For You From The Word

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Philippians 4:8, NLT)

For You To Think About

young mom at computerTawana was 17 years old and midway through her junior year of high school when she became pregnant. She was determined to graduate on time, but struggled with morning sickness. To stay on track, she attended summer school. Tawana gave birth in October of her senior year and kept up as a homebound student during maternity leave. She even attended night school to make up work. She graduated with her class!

Yet after having her baby, Tawana discovered that people viewed her differently – as someone who would not amount to anything in life. She even began to think that college was not an option for her.

It can be easy for anyone to be discouraged by negative circumstances or comments, but Tawana choose to use them as motivation.

“I began to surround myself with positive people,” says Tawana. “It was then that I realized I could still lead a successful life in spite of being a teenage mom.” Tawana enrolled in the University of Minnesota College of Design and is focused on becoming an interior designer for an architectural firm.

Her advice to a pregnant teen? “Do not think in terms of living life one day at a time. Instead, construct positive long-term goals. Keep pushing forward towards your goals.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
You believe in being positive. You tell us to think about whatever is excellent or praiseworthy. Allow pregnant teens to surround themselves with positive people that will help them work towards positive goals.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Teens Who Have Chosen Life

Advice from Teen Mom : “Don’t Let Go of Your Dreams”

Advice from Teen Mom: “You Can Do It!”

Teen College Soccer Star Chooses Life

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