How One Abortion-Minded Woman Chose Life

For You From The Word

I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.  (Deuteronomy 30:19)

For You To Think About

“Four dead in suburban murder,” said the newscaster.  Courtney watched the television screen intently as the picture shifted and an on-the-scene reporter gave details.

Woman watching televisionThe newscaster droned on, reporting other stories from around the globe. “Overseas, a roadside suicide bomb kills twelve … stabbing victim dies…”

So much death … Courtney mused.

The phone rang.  “Are we on for tomorrow?” Tim asked.  Her boyfriend had made an appointment at an abortion clinic.

Courtney’s eyes flickered to the television screen.  Her hand flew to her abdomen.  Was she any better than those who chose death?

“No, Tim, I’m not going,” Courtney said, hanging up.  She took a deep breath.  Then reaching for the yellow pages, she found the entry for Pregnancy Care Centers – and dialed.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father, speak to the hearts of birth moms.  Reveal the enormity of the choice placed before them.   Allow each one the resources she needs to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Serve Abortion-Minded Women

Choosing Life: I Mentored an Abortion-Minded Woman

Prayers to Pray for an Abortion-Minded Woman

Mobile Ultrasound Vehicles Help Abortion-Minded Women Choose Life


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Miracle on a Screen

For You From The Word

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)

For You To Think About

The ultrasound technician placed a gentle hand on Kelli’s shoulder.  “Would you like to have a look?” she asked kindly.

woman viewing ultrasound of her baby on a screenThe pregnancy care center workers had been patient, even though Kelli wanted to get information from them and leave quickly.  She wasn’t sure that a blob of tissue was worth all this effort.  But since they’d taken so much time with her, maybe she should see why they cared. With a grunt, Kelli turned to view the screen.

No, it wasn’t possible …head, arms, legs, toes?  “It looks like … like …” Kelli groped for words, studying the miracle on the screen in astonishment.

The technician waited a minute.  “Like what?” she asked.

Kelli’s eyes were glued on the screen.  “Like a person,” she whispered.

How often do we forget God’s supremacy as the Creator, and treat the miracle of life with superficiality and carelessness?

That’s one reason technology is so powerful.  Studies reveal that 90% pregnant women decide to carry their babies to term after having an ultrasound.

It’s hard to deny a miracle … when God allows you to see proof of His hand at work.

For You To Pray

God the Creator,

You have knit each one of us together before we were born.  Help us to place a high value on the miracle of life You create in each person.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

More About Ultrasounds

Ways Lives Are Saved: Ultrasounds

99.26% Clinics Say Ultrasounds Have a Positive Impact

It Took 2 Decades, But Ultrasounds Are Now Routine


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You Can Stand In The Praise Gap

For You From The Word

You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. (Nehemiah 9:6)

For You To Think About

worship and praise at the oceanToday, 8,189 women in the U.S. will discover that they are pregnant, though they did not plan to be.  Some will choose to parent.  Some will place their children for adoption.  And sadly, some may decide to terminate their pregnancies.

“But I’m so confused.  There’s no way I feel joyful or hopeful.  I didn’t plan on getting pregnant!”  When a woman discovers she faces an unplanned pregnancy, it can be hard for her to give thanks.

You can stand in the praise gap!

No matter what these women choose, there is one indisputable fact: God gave life to each of those 8,189 precious babies.

You can join “the multitudes of heaven” and give praise to God on behalf of a pregnant woman who feels she cannot do so right now.   You can worship the One who gives life.  You can give Him praise for these new persons He has created.  You can ask for His perfect will to be manifest in a mother and her baby – whether you know her or not.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

I’m willing to stand in the praise gap on behalf of these women.  I praise You for Your mighty power as the One who has given their babies life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Stand In The Praise Gap

Three Ways to Praise the Creator

Prayer Helps Women Choose Life

“Save Now!” God Honors Prayers of Children


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Support Needed Every Eleven Seconds

For You From The Word

Be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves.  (Matthew 10:16)

For You To Think About

close up of a pink clock faceFact: every eleven seconds, a woman in the United States discovers she’s pregnant without planning to be.

Fact: women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy have a broad range of next-step options, including single parenting, marriage, joint custody, open adoption, closed adoption, abortion …

Fact: thousands of pregnant women and their partners struggle with uncertainty, loneliness, isolation, confusion – and need love.

Fact: God uses His people to raise awareness.  Jesus commands us to be wise about people and the times we live in.

Fact: in the time you took to read this, another woman found out she’s pregnant without intending to be.

For You To Pray

Lord, increase my sensitivity for women and men who will find out today that they face an unplanned pregnancy.  Use me to help raise awareness about their needs. Amen.

More About Pregnancy Support for Women and Men

Ways Lives Are Saved: One-On-One Support

Women Helping Women

Men Helping Men: When Guys Need Other Guys

How to Support a Man Who Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

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Fatherhood: God Honors a Dad’s Sacrifice

For You From The Word

As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.  (Psalm 103:13)

For You To Think About

James Dobson Sr. with son Jimmie, James Dobson Jr.

James Dobson Sr. with son Jimmie, James Dobson Jr.

Jimmie’s dad had an active speaking schedule and was away from his son for weeks at a time.  But after a particularly trying time period with the boy, Jimmie’s mom telephoned and explained that she was having difficulty raising their son on her own.

In a move that required enormous personal and professional sacrifice, Jimmie’s dad cancelled four years of speaking engagements and quit traveling.  He got a new job so he could be in Jimmy’s life full-time.

Does a father’s presence make a difference?  Ask Jimmie.  Today, he is a godly man who credits his father and mother for raising him to put family first.  You may know him as Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, a media and educational organization dedicated to the preservation of the home.

God used Jimmie’s father to leave a powerful legacy, through his son, in millions of families worldwide.

If you’re a dad – no matter what kind of relationship you have with your child’s mother – you can have that kind of influence, too.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father, thank You for working through godly fathers.  Show dads how significant their influence can be.  Amen.

More on Effective Fathers

Fatherhood Series #1: Effective Fathers are Present

Fatherhood Series #2: Effective Fathers are Teachers

Fatherhood Series #3: Effective Fathers are Compassionate

Fatherhood Series #4: Effective Fathers Listen and Answer

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Fathers: Cry Out For Daddy

For You From The Word

God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”(Galatians 4:6)

For You To Think About

guy crying out to God at sunsetAllen knelt by his baby son’s crib, exhausted.  It was harder being a single dad than he’d ever dreamed.  Yet today his little boy had unknowingly given him a perfect gift.  The tyke stretched his chubby arms up to Allen and said “Daddy” for the first time.

“Abba,” loosely translated as an affectionate “Daddy,” is a term from scripture that refers lovingly to God the Father. The metaphor of the Father as “Daddy” allows us better understand God’s character: a loving, close, caring parent.

“Daddy” paints a powerful word picture for men who face an unplanned pregnancy.

A birth dad may be confused about his feelings for his child’s mother. He may be concerned that decisions about the child’s life are out of his hands. He may doubt his ability to be an effective father.

But he can look to God as the model of a strong father – a daddy who is near and present in the lives of His children.

A birth dad can cry out to Abba. It is the name that God the Father longs to hear from His children.

For You To Pray


Grant a special dose of grace on birth dads. Assure them of Your presence when they cry out to You for love, strength, and wisdom.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Fathers and Unplanned Pregnancy

When a Guy Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

A Guy’s Letter to God

One Dad’s Story: “I Needed Support and I Found It”


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Honor the Memory of the Fallen By Defending Life

For You From The Word

Defend the rights of the fatherless. (Isaiah 1:17, HCSB)

For You To Think About

On Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those who have defended us and protected our lives by sacrificing their own.

baby and American flag

Image: G. Diaz Photography

There is no way we can repay those who have paid the ultimate price. Nor can we adequately thank their families, friends, and loved ones for their sacrifice.

Yet there is one way we can honor their memory: by choosing to defend life.

Those who face an unplanned pregnancy say what they need most in order to choose life is a supportive Friend. You can help these precious women, men, and their pre-born babies who may not be able to defend themselves. In doing so, you “Defend the rights of the fatherless” (Isaiah 1:17).

When you support a pregnant woman by accepting her, loving her, and providing for her practical needs, you honor those who have sacrificed their lives. You defend this woman by giving her a true choice – the choice for life. You also defend her unborn child.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,

Thank you for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Allow me to honor their memory by defending vulnerable women and their unborn.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Defending Life

When We Defend the Vulnerable, God Mends Hearts

How to Defend Life with the Facts

Abortion Memorial: A Way to Remember and Honor Unborn Lives



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A Prayer for a Pregnant Woman to Seek Wise Counsel

For You From The Word

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. (Proverbs 12:15, ESV)

For You To Think About

Heavenly Father,

Pregnant woman making a phone callI pray this day for [name of woman] who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

Move her to reach out to wise people to get input and support. The steps she takes and the decisions she makes are ultimately her own, but show her the foolishness of being a Lone Ranger. Impress upon her the wisdom of seeking out godly counsel (Proverbs 12:15).

If she hesitates out of pride, point her to the need for humility – particularly when making significant decisions (Proverbs 11:2).

Remind her that it is safer for her to seek out help from several people for help and advice in order for her to make a plan that succeeds (Proverbs 15:22).

Direct her to the people that you have hand-picked to help her. Where she may be led to seek out counsel that does not give life and hope to her and her unborn child, check her spirit (Proverbs 20:18).

Thank you for placing godly advisers in this woman’s path. Let her seek them out this day.

In Jesus name I pray.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,

Thank you for the privilege of prayer. Direct [name of woman] to seek out godly advisors. Give her discernment to consult with those who reflect your truth and your ways.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Prayers for Women Who Face an Unplanned Pregnancy

A Prayer for a Pregnant Woman to Hear God’s Direction

A Prayer for  Pregnant Woman’s Physical Well-Being

A Prayer Against Fear in a Pregnant Woman

A Prayer for a Pregnant Woman to Know Her Identity

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Prayer for a Pregnant Woman to Hear God’s Direction

For You From The Word

You show me the path of life. (Psalm 16:11, NKJV)

For You To Think About

Heavenly Father,

woman deciding where to goI pray this day for [name of woman] who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

As a patient Father, you promise that you wait to be gracious to us. Even in adversity, You will not hide yourself. Let that be true for this woman. Allow her hear a word behind her, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever she turns to the right or the left (Isaiah 30:21).

As the Lord of our orderly, methodical creation, order her steps (Psalm 37:23). Give her clarity as to one action to take at a time to take to carry this pregnancy to term. Let her complete that step and move on to the next.

As the mighty Teacher, instruct her and teach her in the way she should go. Let her understand why she can choose life (Psalm 32:8).

Let her walk in Your way – the way that leads to life for her and for her unborn child (Psalm 16:11).

In Jesus name I pray.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,

Thank you for the privilege of prayer. Show [name of woman] how to hear and follow Your direction as she makes decisions for herself and her unborn child. Let her choose to walk in Your way – the way that leads to life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Prayers for Women Who Face an Unplanned Pregnancy

A Prayer for  Pregnant Woman’s Physical Well-Being

A Prayer Against Fear in a Pregnant Woman

A Prayer for a Pregnant Woman to Know Her Identity


Prayer of a Woman Who Didn’t Expect to Be Pregnant



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Prayer for a Pregnant Woman’s Physical Well-Being

For You From The Word

God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:20, NLT)

For You To Think About

Heavenly Father,

Pregnant woman sleeping on couchI pray his day for [name of woman] who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

Give her the desire to take care of her physical body. Motivate her to eat well, get rest, exercise, and keep stress at bay.

Guide her to the proper health care providers who can monitor her progress. Where there may be a physical question, issue, or problem with her pregnancy, show her and her medical team how to treat and manage it in healthy ways.

Allow her to experience a healthy pregnancy, a safe delivery, and physical well-being before, during, and after birth..

In Jesus name I pray.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,

Thank you for the privilege of prayer. Show [name of woman] how to care for her physical body. Remind her of the tremendous price paid for her by Jesus. Inspire her to respond by taking care of her body and the life of her child.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Prayers for Women Who Face an Unplanned Pregnancy

A Prayer Against Fear in a Pregnant Woman

Your Prayer to Pray for a Pregnant Woman’s Identity

Prayer of a Woman Who Didn’t Expect to Be Pregnant

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