Clinic Versus Center: What’s the Difference?

For You From The Word

Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it. (Proverbs 16:22)

For You To Think About

woman on stairsKara looked up at the sign: “Women’s Health Clinic.” Surely they could help her! But a few minutes later, Kara ran back outside and down the steps. Once she’d received her pregnancy test results and was asked when she would like to schedule her termination procedure, Kara knew this was not the place for her.She hadn’t understood the clinic’s work.

Women’s clinics and pregnancy care centers: what are the differences?

Women’s Clinics

Abortion clinics, sometimes called, “women’s health centers” or “women’s clinics,” are medical facilities which offer family planning services and specialize in procedures that terminate pregnancy. Pre- and post-counseling varies widely among facilities. The number of abortion clinics in the U.S. peaked at 2,176 in 1991. Today there are 660 – a decrease of 69.67%, according to Pro-Life Nation. Planned Parenthood is one of the more well-known umbrella organizations that run women’s health clinics.

Pregnancy Care Centers

In contrast, there are more than 4,000 active pregnancy care centers (PCCs) across the nation, sometimes called “crisis pregnancy centers” or “pregnancy resource centers.” PCCs are not medical clinics. They provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, education, and counseling services for those who suspect they are pregnant or who have recently discovered they are pregnant. PCCs also refer patients for comprehensive medical care, prenatal care, and support services. Many operate as affiliates within one of three networks: Birthright, Heartbeat International, and Care Net.

Abortion clinics are significantly decreasing in number. Pregnancy care centers are growing in number.

Abortion clinics advocate “choice.” Pregnancy care centers advocate “life” or “a choice for life.”

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help women and their partners understand different types of pregnancy services. Give them wisdom to make good choices. Give them understanding that overflows in a fountain of life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Acceptance: Do You Judge By Appearances?

For You From The Word

Do not judge , or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Matthew 7:1-2)

For You To Think About

A true story

pregnant woman in blackChaunie was stopped in the express grocery lane. The cashier stared pointedly at her protruding belly and young children. Then two – not just one – cashiers accused her of trying to purchase the wrong type of cereal with her WIC benefits.

Meanwhile behind her, a line of impatient customers overheard the entire humiliating exchange.

Two Different Mistakes

What was Chaunie’s mistake? Placing the wrong type of cereal in her shopping cart. But the cashiers also made a mistake: judging Chaunie for being a young, poor, pregnant mother.

God doesn’t evaluate our sins on a sliding scale, attaching more condemnation to an unplanned pregnancy than He does to a judgmental attitude. It was humankind that created the “my-sin-isn’t-as-bad-as-yours” continuum.

We’re all deserving of God’s condemnation. But thanks be to God! He does not condemn us in an out-of-wedlock pregnancy … or in the sin of a judgmental attitude.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Convict me when I evaluate others on a sliding scale of sin. Lead me instead to repent of my sin. Give me a heart of compassion for those who face an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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When Guys Really Need Other Guys

For You From The Word

Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. (1 Samuel 18:3)

For You To Think About

guy alone at sunset“I’m pregnant,” said Rachel.

Trevor, her boyfriend, turned away. Emotions washed over him, yet he didn’t want to show them. “What will you do?” he asked. Rachel burst into tears and ran from the room.

Like so many men, Trevor did not display his emotions openly. Yet they ran very deep.

Guilt. Trevor was concerned that the pregnancy was his fault.
Powerlessness. Trevor was used to being in control, but now he felt helpless. What decision would Rachel make?
Isolation. Trevor was hesitant to share his feelings, instead opting for cool rationality. That made Rachel felt unsupported, so she shut him out.
Fear. What will the future hold for him? Rachel? Their relationship? The child?
Vulnerability. Perhaps more than anything else, Trevor felt insecure about sharing his feelings with another person and working through his situation.

This is a time when a guy needs another guy’s support more than ever. The biblical relationship between David and Jonathan paints a beautiful picture of trust and transparency between men. The two formed a bond of trust based on respect. In the ultimate act of vulnerability, Jonathan stripped off his tunic, sword, bow and belt, and gave them to David (1 Samuel 18:4). He felt safe and respected with David.

Men can give – and take – that kind of support in the midst of crisis.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Touch the hearts of men who face an unplanned pregnancy. Let them know they can be safe, vulnerable, and transparent with another guy. Bring men into their lives who can speak Your truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Support for Men

When a Guy Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

How to Support a Man Who Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

Thank You to All the Birth Dads Out There

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Fall 2012 Message from the President

Dear friends and supporters of Birthmothers,

This may be the boldest letter I’ve written on behalf of Birthmothers. The urgency is real. I am sure you recognize that this time in our history is like no other.

baby-in-crib.jpgAs national elections draw near, our country is at a crossroads. The upcoming vote in November represents a spiritual choice, not just a political one. The two presidential candidate teams present a stark contrast.

One offers socialism, the other capitalism; one represents government control, the other individual freedom; one promotes a continuation of abortion while the other represents a stand for life.

But you can take action that makes a powerful difference for life right now, before November 6. More on that in a minute …

Here is a chilling thought: will God suffer our sins for much longer as a nation?  “Rend your hearts and not your garments,” He tells us in Joel 2:13.  “Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and abounding in love and He relents from sending calamity.”

Which way will the American people turn?

I admit there are times when the battle for life seems overwhelming.

Our current situation reminds me of the Hebrew nation of old. They refused to pursue God’s blueprint for a prosperous life, and as you know, there were consequences. “The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished” (Nahum 1:3.) By not following God, the ancient nation of Israel became divided and ultimately fell!

Likewise, today our nation is divided when it comes to the issue of life. I shudder to think of our demise and tell you plainly that I seek God’s mercy each day on behalf of our great nation.

I ask God to ignite a third Great Awakening where we fall on our knees in repentance before Him.  I plead for mercy on behalf of our nation for allowing the holocaust of 55 million innocent young lives. I urge you to join me in lifting up our nation to God if you’re not doing so already. Lives are at stake, but so is the fabric of our country.

Don’t wait until November 6

While praying, you can take steps with me right now to reverse this carnage.

Even though abortion is legal in the United States, women do not want to choose it. Yet they feel they have no option. They feel alone and without support. More than 4 out of 5 women say they would choose life over abortion if they’d had special support from a Friend or partner.

One-on-one support makes a crucial difference. There is a choice – and one that works! At Birthmothers, we match women and their partners with a Birthmothers Friend for unconditional support during an unplanned pregnancy. Matched women overwhelmingly choose life because they have the love and support they need.  No matter what happens at the election (and naturally, I pray fervently for the return to pro-life values), you can save lives and broken hearts right now by supporting Birthmothers.

We need your help to cover Birthmothers immediate expenses so we can continue to provide this life-changing, one-on-one support! (You can give here .)

Your gift will allow us to serve many women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy between now and the election, giving them the priceless support they need to choose life. I’m sure you believe that even one life is worth saving. And come November, we look forward to sharing with you how needs were met.

Will you help Birthmothers before Election Day?  Will you allow women and men (yes – guy Friends support birth fathers) the support they need to choose life? I urge you as never before to join me in this great movement. By doing so, you will help save lives of vulnerable babies who are at risk.

Please give your most generous gift right now, while you’re thinking about it. You’ll help us operate between now and November. Just go to this page and donate now .

Thank you for your passion for life and for following as God leads.        

In His grace,




Jim Wright
Founder, President, and Volunteer

P.S. It’s a fact: more than 95% women matched with a Birthmothers Friend choose life. Help us stay the course with this cause between now and November with your very best gift. You can give here . Thanks.  

P.P.S. I urge you to vote on November 6. Thank you once again.

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March for Life Founder Leaves Inspiring Legacy

For You From The Word

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will act. (Psalm 37:5, RSV)

For You To Think About

Nellie Gray

Nellie Gray

Nellie Gray (1924-2012) was a practicing lawyer and former federal employee when the Supreme Court handed down its Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. She left her practice and committed the rest of her life to protecting the lives of the unborn.

Known as the primary organizer of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Nellie mobilized pro-life citizens committed to overturning Roe v. Wade. The first march, held in 1974 on the first anniversary of the decision, drew a crowd of 20,000. Today the March for Life routinely attracts 250,000 or more.

“We thank Nellie for inspiring two generations to pro-life youth,” said prolife activitist Jill Stanek . “She launched an annual touchstone for our movement and provided a yearly reminder to the world of the devastating Roe v. Wade decision. She will be missed.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank You for raising up leaders like Nellie Gray who care passionately about the cause of life and commit themselves to that work. Protect them. Inspire them. Bless and multiply their efforts.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More About the March for Life

What Is the March for Life?

What Happened on January 22, 1973?

What More Young People Learn Each January

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TV Series Highlights Unplanned Pregnancy and Adoption

For You From The Word

For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6)

For You To Think About

I'm Having Their Baby logoA new docu-drama series on the Oxygen Network, I’m Having Their Baby, documents true stories of women who face an unplanned pregnancy and their ultimate decision to place their child in the arms of an adoptive family.

Each hour-long episode features the different stories of two women (and sometimes their partners) through the decision-making and adoption process, birth, and finally, the actual assignment of parental rights.

The series reveals the very real pain birth parents experience in choosing to place. But a thread of commonality throughout the show is each woman’s motivation: she wants the brightest future for her unborn child, a better life for herself, and to make the best choice possible for her at the time. I’m Having Their Baby shows as never before the wisdom that women and men need as they face an unplanned pregnancy.

For You to Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for your tremendous love for pregnant women, their partners, and their babies. They need your love and wisdom. Move in hearts to make the best decision for themselves and their children.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Why Pregnant Teens and Unmarrieds Are Especially Vulnerable

For You From The Word

Defend the weak and the fatherless;
uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
(Psalm 82:3)

For You To Think About

baby feet black and whiteThe National Center for Health Statistics just released exciting information in the fight for life: the U.S. abortion rate is down to 18% from its previous high of 24% in 1990.

At the same time, the report reveals disturbing information about the most defenseless who face an unplanned pregnancy: teens and the unmarried.

  • 26% pregnant teens choose abortion
  • 42.8% young teens choose abortion
  • 84% unmarried pregnant women choose abortion

Teenagers and the unmarried have fewer advocates in their close circle. Often they are rejected by their families and partners. Abandonment and rejection put them more at risk as they make decisions that impact their future and their baby’s.

The abortion trend is down. That is outstanding news! But those who face an unplanned pregnancy still need one-on-one support, especially the most vulnerable: teens and un-marrieds.

For You to Pray

Gracious Father,
Break my heart for the most vulnerable. Move me – and others – to support teens and unmarrieds one-on-one when they face an unplanned pregnancy.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Support Pregnant Teens

911 Friend for Pregnant Teen

4 Things a Pregnant Teen Needs the Most

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Staggering Unplanned Pregnancy Rates: Unchanged in 20 Years

For You From The Word

I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

For You To Think About

raised handsA recently-released landmark study reports the high rate of unplanned pregnancy in the U.S. among adult women is staggering and has not changed in nearly 20 years.

Data from the survey, Contraception in America, shows 61% women (age 18-24) and 53% women (age 25-29) have had one or more unplanned pregnancies. Further, a total of 43% women (age 18-49) have had one or pregnancies that were not planned.

While several issues have arisen in the medical community from this study (particularly about contraceptive education), the fact remains that for two decades, numbers of unplanned pregnancies in the U.S. have remained consistently sky high and shows no signs of declining soon.

The most pressing issue is the immediate needs among these women. Overwhelming numbers find themselves pregnant. Who will walk with them? Who will support them? Who will give them information they need to make an informed decision?

We pray the answer is you.

For You to Pray

Gracious Father,
Numbers of unplanned pregnancies remain sky high. Show me and others how we can offer these women support so they can make the best decision for themselves and their child.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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13th Annual Birth Mothers Day Brunch

Birthmothers President Jim Wright offers encouragement and affirmation for those in the adoption triad: birth parents, adoptive families, and adoptees.


Return to Our Videos to view other videos from Birthmothers.



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Do You and Your Church Make This Mistake?

For You From The Word

Jesus asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
(John 8:10-11)

For You To Think About

young adults your church cna serveMost young Christians are as sexually active as their non-Christian peers. 80 percent of unmarried evangelical young adults (18 to 29) said that they have had sex – just slightly less than 88 percent of all unmarried adults. Further, almost a third of evangelicals’ unplanned pregnancies end in abortion.

Is the church responsible for a young adult’s behavior? No. Each individual is responsible for his actions before God when he reaches the age of decision.

But in caring for these young people? Yes, the church is responsible to love them with grace. Even so, many of us fall short of that responsibility. Young adults with Christian experience say the church is not a place that allows them to express doubts. More than a third say they are not able “to ask my most pressing life questions in church” (36%). One-sixth of young Christians (17%) said they “have made mistakes and feel judged in church because of them.”

That’s not the model that Jesus demonstrated to those who struggled in the faith, such as the woman caught in adultery. Believers are indeed responsible. Not for condoning behavior that is unbiblical. But rather, for showing Christ’s unconditional grace and love.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Move in Your people to demonstrate unconditional love and acceptance, especially today to young Christians who may be sexually active outside of marriage, become pregnant, or experience abortion. Let us abhor the sin but love the sinner. Begin with me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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